TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 2 – Mar 1996

Redondo rock

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin no. 2
27 February 1996 – cover and index only






Number 2 – 1996 March

Send texts and images for next issue!
Footsteps of Man is an IFRAO association from Valcamonica – Italy

maintained by Footsteps of Man (Le Orme dell’Uomo) archaeological Cooperative,
piazza Donatori di Sangue 1 – 25040 CERVENO (BS) – ITALY – phone +39-364-433.983
fax +39-364-43.43.51 email


Rock Art & the WEB by A. Arcà

Rock Art in Colombia by G. Munoz C.

Rock Art and Lilliputian Hallucinations by K. L. Callahan

Petroglyphs and Pictographs of Missouri by C. Diaz-Granados

Rock no. 20 of Redondo (Valcamonica) by E. Marchi

The State of the Research (Alpine Arc) by A. Fossati

“Topographic” Engravings (Alpine Arc) by A. Arcà


Short news and appointments

Call for texts

Guestbook & new features

Valcamonica Rock Art TRACCE home page

call any email information to Andrea Arcà – Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo
or write or fax or phone:Angelo Fossati – Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo
piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1- 25040 CERVENO (Bs), Italy
tel. 39-364-433983 – fax 39-364-434351 English editing by Maurice Zanon

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