TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 32 – May-Jul 2014

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# 32 – May-Jul 2014

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 32

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man

edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

32: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Foum Chenna

The Felines of Foum Chenna, Morocco

Depictions of cats in rock all over the world art are frequently characterised by specific feline properties. The feline images at the petroglyph site of Foum Chenna in southern Morocco are much less idiosyncratic. Besides a general description of the rock art site of Foum Chenna, the current paper attempts at a re-evaluation of the image of the feline at Foum Chenna, simultaneously trying to fit the image into a chronology of Moroccan rock art.

by Maarten van Hoek –  Read online


Ricerca in Valcamonica, quale futuro?

Tavola rotonda tra ricercatori e rappresentanti delle Istituzioni sul futuro della ricerca in Valcamonica, arte rupestre e non solo, Breno 20 giugno 2014.

Which future for the research in Valcamonica? June 20 2014, round table at Breno (Valcamonica, I), discussion among researchers and governmental representatives.

by Valcamonica rock art – Read online


Le manifestazioni del sacro e l’età del Rame

The manifestations of the sacred and the Copper Age in the Alps and in the Po Valley, archaeological congress at Brescia (I), with emphasis on funerary rituals and rock art and statue stelae symbolism. Convegno archeologico 23 e 24 maggio 2014, Brescia, con approfondimenti sui rituali funerari che caratterizzano questo periodo e sul simbolismo dell’arte rupestre e delle statue-stele coeve. 

by Manifestazioni del Sacro –  Read online

Chiza petroglyph

Chiza, Interpreting
Digitally Restored Petroglyphs

The goal of this paper is to offer the interested reader a digital restoration and interpretation of the images of a vandalized petroglyph boulder located in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile. Its damaged face underscores the urgent necessity to ()graphic record rock art sites in general. It is hoped that very soon a complete survey will be made of the Chiza petroglyph site and that the official survey will be made available to rock art researchers.

by Maarten van Hoek – Read online

Yunnan rock art

2014 IFRAO Guiyang Congress

 With the rapid economic development in China and the increasing influence of the Chinese culture, China is ready to be the new host of the IFRAO (International Federation of Rock Art Organisations) world Congress. Congress Date: July 16-18, 2014 (July 15 for registration). Congress Venue: Guiyang Pullman Hotel. Guizhou Province, located in the center of the Southwestern China, is rich in the resources of rock art and facilitates rock art investigation with its convenient transport.

by the organizing Committe Office – Read online


Museo Nazionale della Preistoria

Sabato 10 maggio 2014 inaugurazione del MUPRE – Museo Nazionale della Preistoria a Capo di Ponte, che integra la musealizzazione del patrimonio iconografico della Valcamonica con quella dei contesti e dei reperti archeologici. Saturday, May 10, 2014 inauguration of MUPRE – National Museum of Prehistory in Capo di Ponte, which integrates the exhibit of the Valcamonica iconographic heritage with the archaeological contexts and findings

by MUPRE     –    Read online

Chenal schelter

il riparo inciso – the engraved shelter

Una recente scoperta: le più antiche figure post-paleolitiche dell’arte rupestre alpina. A recent discovery: the most ancient post-palaeolithic figures of the alpine rock art. Venerdì 9 maggio 2014 ore 17.30 presentazione pubblica ad Aosta; Friday, May 9, 2014 5:30 p.m. public presentation at Aosta (I).

by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello,

L. Raiteri, L. Bornaz – Read online


TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 32
May-Jul 2014

WP version, 2012-

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