Valcamonica, fieldwork and lectures summer 2016

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Dear Valcamonica Fieldwork & Fieldschool Participants, Collaborators and Friends! The field project is formally scheduled from Thursday afternoon July 21st through Thursday morning  August 11th 2016 The fieldwork volunteers are coming from Azerbaijan, China, France, Italy, USA, Switzerland, UK, plus crew and lecturers (from Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, USA) permanent members.
Caro partecipante (collaboratore ed amico) della Campagna estiva di archeologia rupestre in Valcamonica! La campagna è formalmente prevista tra il giovedì pomeriggio del 21 luglio fino al giovedì mattina dell’11 agosto 2016.
I partecipanti al campo provengono da Azerbaijan, China, France, Italy, USA, Switzerland e UK, oltre ai membri dello staff e conferenzieri (da Australia, Germania, Francia, Italia, Portogallo, USA).
Welcome to Paspardo 2016 Project! Benvenuti al Progetto Paspardo 2016!

by Footsteps of Man

fieldwork and lectures summer 2016

campagna e conferenze estate 2016

[click on pictures to enlarge them]

by Footsteps of Man


ciclo di conferenze estate 2016 a Cerveno (BS – I)
biblioteca Civica, piazza Prudenzini, 21:00

Le conferenze potranno essere tenute in inglese con traduzione in italiano

Archeoincontri Cerveno Estate 2016


  • Venerdì 22 Luglio
    Yang Cai (Carnagie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA)
    Figurative Thinking: from Rock Art to Emojis

    Il pensiero figurativo: dall’arte rupestre agli emoji

  • Martedì 26 Luglio
    Andrea Arcà (Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo)
    The Rock 1 of Naquane, Capo di Ponte (BS): news from the research
    La Grande Roccia di Naquane, Capo di Ponte (BS): nuove ricerche

  • Venerdì 29 Luglio
    Francesca Roncoroni (Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio – Lombardia)
    The warrior art of the Bormio bas-relief (Valtellina, Iron

    L’arte guerriera del bassorilievo di Bormio (Valtellina, SO)

  • Martedì 2 Agosto
    Jim Keyser (Oregon Archaeological Society, Portland, USA)
    Evening: Cheval Bonnet: a Crow Calling Card in the Heart of the Blackfoot country

    Cheval Bonnet: un biglietto da visita dei Corvi nel cuore del territorio dei Piedi Neri

  • Venerdì 5 Agosto
    Marisa Giorgi (Queensland Museum, Brisbane, Australia)
    Vulvas, rain and fish X-rays. An overview of Australian Rock Art
    Vulve, pioggia e pesci a raggi X: una visione d’insieme dell’arte rupestre australiana

  • Mercoledì 10 Agosto
    Carl Pause (Clemens Sels Museum, Neuss . Germania)
    At the border of the Roman Empire: the limes at Novaesium-Neuss (Germany)

    Ai confini della civiltà romana: il limes romano a Novaesium-Neuss (Germania)

Ingresso libero

Realizzato col patrocinio del Comune e della Biblioteca Civica A. Meucci di Cerveno
Organizzazione Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo”, Piazza Donatori di Sangue, 1 – CERVENO (BS)
& Insegnamento di Preistoria e Protostoria – Università Cattolica S. Cuore di Brescia


Valcamonica Rock Art Field School & Fieldwork 2016

Dos  Sulif (Paspardo, Valcamonica, panoramic view from the engraved rock

Dos Sulif (Paspardo, Valcamonica, panoramic view from the engraved rock

Program – 1st week

  • 21 July Thur. Afternoon: arrivals and opening. Evening: welcome

  • 22 July Fri. Morning: presentation of works and Valcamonica rock art, a short general view, by Angelo Fossati (lecture). Tracing test
    Afternoon: visit the Cemmo boulders (first rock art discovered in Valcamonica). Visit to the Romanesque church of S. Siro (11th cent. AD)
    Evening: Figurative Thinking: from Rock Art to Emojis by Yang Cai (lecture in Cerveno)

  • 23 July Sat. Morning: visit to the National Park of Rock Engravings of Naquane, Capo di Ponte.
    Afternoon: research and documentation.
    Evening: Rock Art in Portugal, an overview by Mila Simões de Abreu (lecture in Paspardo)

  • 24 July Sun. Morning: visit to rock art sites in Paspardo.
    Afternoon: free Evening: free

  • 25 July Mon. Morning: research and documentation.
    Afternoon: Warriors, heroes and gods. Myths and reality on the Iron age coins of the Gauls (with comparisons with Valcamonica rock art), and analysis of the Celtic coinage (lecture and interactive lesson with Giorgio Fea).
    Evening: The rock art of Mount Bego between History and Prehistory by Silvia Sandrone (lecture in Paspardo)

  • 26 July Tue. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation
    Evening: The Rock 1 of Naquane, Capo di Ponte (BS): news from the research by Andrea Arcà (lecture in Cerveno)

  • 27 July Wed. Morning: research and documentation
    Afternoon in laboratory: working on images and cataloguing (practice)
    Evening: film Cave of forgotten dreams by W. Herzog

  • 28 July Thur. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation (and arrivals and departures).
    Evening: free
Dos Cùi (Ceto, Valcamonica), a first Iron Age engraved warrior

Dos Cùi (Ceto, Valcamonica), a first Iron Age engraved warrior

Program – 2nd week

  • 28 July Thur. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation (and arrivals and departures).
    Evening: free

  • 29 July Fri. Morning: presentation of works and Valcamonica rock art, a short general view, by Angelo Fossati (lecture). Tracing test
    Afternoon: visit the Cemmo boulders (first rock art discovered in Valcamonica).
    Visit to the Romanesque church of 
    S. Siro (11th cent. AD)
    Evening: The warrior art of the Bormio bas-relief (Valtellina, Iron
    Age) by Francesca Roncoroni (lecture in Cerveno)

  • 30 July Sat. Morning: visit to the National Park of Rock Engravings of Naquane, Capo di Ponte.
    Afternoon: research and documentation
    Evening: Textiles and looms in Valcamonica Rock Art by
    Nicoletta Gelfi (lecture in Paspardo)

  • 31 July Sun. Morning: visit to rock art sites in Paspardo
    Afternoon: free
    Evening: Free visit to the traditional fair in Pescarzo

  • 1 August Mon. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation.
    Evening: Toys and games in ancient times by Linda Bossoni
    (lecture in Paspardo)

  • 2 August Tue. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation
    Evening: Cheval Bonnet: a Crow Calling Card in the Heart of the Blackfoot country, USA by James D. Keyser (lecture in Cerveno)

  • 3 August Wed. Morning: research and documentation
    Afternoon in laboratory: working on images and cataloguing
    Evening: film Cave of forgotten dreams by W. Herzog

  • 4 August Thur. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation.
    (Arrivals and departures).
    Evening: It’s raining goats! Goat-like figures in the rock art of Iran by Dario Sigari (lecture in Paspardo)
Vite, rock 113 (Paspardo, Valcamonica), tracing under grazing light

Vite, rock 113 (Paspardo, Valcamonica), tracing under grazing light

Program – 3rd week

  • 4 August Thur. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation. (Arrivals and departures).
    Evening: It’s raining goats! Goat-like figures in the rock art of Iran by Dario Sigari (lecture in Paspardo)

  • 5 August Fri. Morning: presentation of works and Valcamonica rock art, a short general view, by Angelo Fossati (lecture). Tracing test
    Afternoon: visit the Cemmo boulders (first rock art discovered in Valcamonica).
    Visit to the Romanesque church of 
    S. Siro (11th cent. AD)
    Evening: Vulvas, rain and fish X-rays. An overview of Australian Rock Art by Marisa Giorgi (lecture in Cerveno)

  • 6 Aug Sat. Morning: visit to the National Park of Rock Engravings of Naquane, Capo di Ponte.
    Afternoon: free (or visit to the Foppe di Nadro Rock Engravings Park, or visit to Luine Communal RockEngravings Park)
    Evening: Cimbergo: presentation of the works to the population of the Regional Reserve of Rock Engravings

  • 7 Aug Sun. Morning Morning: visit to rock art sites in Paspardo.
    Afternoon: free
    Evening: Free visit to the traditional fair in Pescarzo

  • 8 Aug Mon. Morning: research and documentation.
    Afternoon in laboratory: working on images and cataloguing (practice)
    Evening: “Facies locorum. Landscape and rock art” by Giacomo Camuri (lecture in Paspardo)

  • 9 Aug Tue. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation.
    Evening: At the border of the Roman Empire: the limes at Novaesium-Neuss (Germany), by Carl Pause (lecture in Cerveno)

  • 10 Aug Wed. Morning and afternoon: research and documentation
    Evening: film “Cave of forgotten dreams” by W. Herzog

  • 11 Aug Thur. Morning: conclusion and departure

NB: changes in program and lectures may occur at any time
In general: Breakfast 7.30 a.m. Start work 8.30 a.m. Lunch 00.30 p.m.
Recommence work: 2.00 p.m. Free time: 6.00-7.30 p.m. Dinner: 7.30 p.m. Lectures: 9.00 p.m.



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Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0
International License

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TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin #39, July 2016

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