Manzanez mill rock art: a destroyed sanctuary

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Manzanez submerged

The area, extremely rich in Palaeolithic-to-contemporary rock art, is now submerged, like the bordering Portuguese ones, by the huge artificial lake of the Guadiana dam. Photo gallery.

by Hipolito Collado Giraldo

TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011

The Rock Art of the Manzanez mill (Spain):
a destroyed sanctuary

Arte rupestre del Molino Manzanez: un santuario destruido

The rock art of this area was intensively recorded by a archaeology-rescue Spanish team conducted by Hipolito Collado Giraldo. The area, extremely rich in Palaeolithic-to-contemporary rock art, is now submerged, like the bordering Portuguese ones, by the huge artificial lake of the Guadiana dam. See more on TRACCE 13 (old issues) and other relevant links.

pictures courtesy of Hipolito Collado Giraldo

(2819 views in previous TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011)

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