TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 33 – Nov 2014

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# 33 – Nov 2014

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 33

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man

edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

33: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Arte rupestre australiana: conferenze

Spiritualità ed interpretazione della tradizione aborigena australiana, dalle origini al mondo contemporaneo. Due conferenze di Marisa GIORGI (Information Officer del Brisbane Queensland Museum) per presentare la spiritualità originale degli aborigeni e per capire perché abbiano un interesse per la protezione dell’arte rupestre in merito alla loro identità e all’interesse economico per il turismo.

Venerdì 21 novembre 2014 ore 21
bibioteca Civica di Cerveno (Valcamonica)

Venerdì 28 novembre 2014 ore 17
presso la sala della biblioteca regionale di Aosta.

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Magura Cave paintings,
Bulgarian rock art

Situated in north-western Bulgaria, and managed by the Belogradchik municipality, the Magura cave (Пещера МАГУРА) is, with the Porto Badisco cave (south Italy), the most important European post-Palaeolithic painted cave. Hundreds of dark brown figures are diffused along an astonishing underground Art Gallery: hunting, dancing ant mating scenes, bi-triangular female silhouettes, axes, solar symbols… a prehistoric iconographic treasure which definitely deserves a special attention.

by Andrea ARCÀ – Read online


CAA 2015, computer and rock art studies

Call for papers

The Call for Papers for the 43rd International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2015) is open. You may submit your abstract for the Session 3C, Computer and rock art studies: data collection,  interpretation and communication.

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Magura cave photogallery

The Bulgarian Magura cave is well known for its impressive prehistoric paintings, scattered along an astonishing and dreamy 240 m long underground diverticulum, for which its Art Gallery is really worth a visit. More than 750 darkish figures have been counted, made with bat guano, smeared or rubbed along the cave walls; on the curvy  shaped vaults and niches, white or yellowish “plastered” by the nature, we can recognise dancing, hunting, and mating scenes, and organise the figures into four thematic groups: anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, geometric, and symbolic signs.

by AA – Read online


Bulgarian rock art: the Madara rider

The Madara rider is a unique monument of the ancient Bulgarian art. Its popularity is immense in Bulgaria and since 1979 it has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The high-relief depicts a rider on his stallion accompanied by a dog. A dead lion is carved under the horse and some inscriptions in Greek all around. The scene celebrates the founding of the Bulgarian state by the Khan Asparukh (680-700 AD). The Madara rider is the only European rock carved monument from the Early Middle Ages.

by rupestre – Read online


Saint Vincent,
nuove incisioni rupestri preistoriche

New important prehistoric rock carvings have been found by Eusebio Imperial of the S.Va.PA.– Société Valdôtaine de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie. Among them ibexes and fringed figures. Here a preliminary report by A.E. Fossati. Relazione di A.E. Fossati sulle nuove importanti incisioni rupestri preistoriche con stambecchi e figure frangiate scoperte in Valle d’Aosta.

by A. E. Fossati – Read online

Bric Ercea

Bric Ercea, Finalese,
petroglifi e manufatti litici

Il Bric Ercea è un rilievo posto a sud di Bric Pianarella, facilmente raggiungibile dalla località di Monticello e di San Bernardino, presso Finale Ligure.Viene descritto il sito con i reperti litici, i rapporti con vicine strutture di analogo significato, con riferimenti a possibili interessamenti archeologici ed archeoastronomici. Segue una discussione sulle ipotesi di datazione e di utilizzo dei ritrovamenti.

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini, C. Pirondini, C. Villa – Read online

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 33
Nov 2014

WP version, 2012-2014

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