Archeo-links, rock art links (“retro” web)

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TRACCE no. 2 – “retro” web

1996: main archeological links and rock art links.

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Main Archaeological links

  • Archnet The most complete world-wide. Many pages, areas, subjects, guest book (by University of Connecticut).
  • ARGEArchaeological Resource Guide Europe: it takes Naquane engravings as logo (Neolithic? Bronze Age?)
  • Romarch Roman Classic (and Iron Age) archaeology in Italy and Roman provinces (by University of Michigan).
  • Archaeological Fieldwork Server all over the world.
  • SCESCAPE Science: Anthropology & Archeology, many good links
  • Anthropology Resources on the InternetDiscussion groups, WWW, good and long list of links by allen h. lutis

Main Rock Art links

  • ROCK ART LINKS Best Rock Art site, by Bob Edberg. At the same time a call for preservation
  • The homepage of American Rock Art Association(ARARA)
  • AURA Home Page The WWW Home Page of AURA, Australian Rock Art Research Organization
  • ROCK – LINKS by Footsteps of Man
  • Rock Art Foundation from southwest Texas, education and preservation
  • ROCK – LINKS by Footsteps of Man
  • Valcamonica – Footsteps of Man

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