New Website on Rock Art in Bolivia

Vallegrande paintings

The Bolivian Rock Art Research Society SIARB has now a Web site. It informs in Spanish, English and German on current activities by SIARB, publications, its Board of Directors and regional representatives. In a “gallery” a map shows the distribution of rock art sites in Bolivia.

by SIARB – Bolivia

TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011

New Website on Rock Art in Bolivia

Three Days of Regional ArchaeologThe Bolivian Rock Art Research Society SIARB (Sociedad de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de Bolivia) has now a Web site:

It informs in Spanish, English and German on current activities by SIARB, publications, its Board of Directors and regional representatives. In a “gallery” (in the Spanish section) a map shows the distribution of rock art sites in Bolivia, and 10 sites in the nine departments of Bolivia are presented: petroglyphs of Abuná river, Pando; engravings of Serranía de San Simón, Beni; historic paintings in the dep.. of La Paz; Pintatani, a site at Lake Titicaca; El Buey, Cochabamba; Calacala, Oruro; paintings in the Dept. of Potosí; Incamachay, Chuquisaca; Paja Colorada, Vallegrande, Santa Cruz; and cupules in the Dep. of Tarija.

Vallegrande rock paintings

Texts and photos emphasize the need of protection of sites as more and more places are affected by vandalism. The editors of the Web site remind of the correct visitor etiquette (“Ten commandments for visitors of archaeological sites”).

There is also information on new projects by SIARB, such as work in the archaeological parks of Calacala and Incamachay, protection of the cave Paja Colorada, a new project in Chiquitanía (Dept. of Santa Cruz) and an exhibition on rock art in Bolivia and SW North America.

SIARB – Bolivia


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