2nd International Congress

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TRACCE no. 8 – by Congress staff

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology2nd announcement
Archaeology and Rock Art. Europe – Alps – Valcamonica
2 – 5 October 1997, Palazzo dei Congressi
Boario Congressi – Via Manifattura 25041 DARFO BOARIO TERME
(Valcamonica – BS – ITALY).

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2nd International Congress
Rupestrian Archaeology
2nd announcement


Archaeology and Rock Art
Europe – Alps – Valcamonica
2 – 5 October 1997

Palazzo dei CongressiBoario Congressi
via Manifattura
(Valcamonica – BS – ITALY)

Promoted by:

    • Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo

(The Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society)

  • Consorzio BIM di Valle Camonica
  • Comunità Montana di Valle Camonica

Sponsored by:

  • Provincia di Brescia, Assessorato alla Cultura
  • Città di Darfo Boario Terme
…to understand the meaning, to establish the chronology, to recreate the origin, and specially
…to conceive a picture of the possible connections between the different forms through which this art has been produced in its multiform techniques during the millennia
… with the aim to catch a possible evolutional continuity…
(Paolo Graziosi, Prehistoric Art in Italy, 1973)


The 2° Rupestrian Archaeology International Congress – Archaeology and Rock Art, Europe, Alps, Valcamonica wants to draw the international scientific community’s attention to the importance for the historical studies of Rupestrian Archaeology, which is a term adopted from 1989 to indicate the sector of archaeology that studies Rock Art.
In 1988 died Paolo Graziosi, the most important Italian scholar of prehistoric art and founder of a school of thinking outlined in the above-written quotation.
We would like that the Congress will draw its inspiration from these words.The idea of setting the study of Rock Art in an archaeological frame of reference originates from the need for a more careful analysis of the iconographic rupestrian heritage. This cultural and chronological placing has become necessary for all those scholars who, working in the field of symbols, ideologies and rituals want to put these in a context with a major scientific credibility. The Congress addresses all the scholars interested in this field, asking them to participate with a paper in the sections pointed out, and also those who think that their research in the field of archaeology, ethnography, history of religions or similar can help to better define the chronological, interpretative or methodological aspects of the European Rock Art, with particular attention to the Alpine range and to Valcamonica.


Thursday2 October


  • 09.00 Inauguration of the Congress with opening address and official welcome
  • 10.00 Section:

“Ethnography and Rock Art”

  • 13.00 Inaugural lunch


  • 14.00 Section:

“Archaeology and Rock Art in Europe”

Late afternoon

  • 18.00 Opening of the poster section and exhibits “Forma” by Jack Belmondo and “Immagini dalla Preistoria” by Piedmont Archaeological Superintendance – Cuneo Museum – Orme dell’Uomo


  • 21.00 Presentation of the volume “Notizie Archeologiche Bergomensi 3” by R. C. De Marinis
3 October


  • 09.00 Section:

“Archaeology and Rock Art in the Alps”


  • 14.00 Section:

“Archaeology and Rock Art in the Alps”

Late afternoon

  • 18.00 Opening of the exhibitions “Segni” by D. Robbiati and “L’uomo dalle braccia alzate” by D. Stamer



  • 21.00 “New advances in Ice Age Rock Art” public lecture by P. G. Bahn
4 October


  • 09.00 Section:

“Archaeology and Rock Art in Valcamonica”


  • 14.00 Section:

“Archaeology and Rock Art in Valcamonica”

Late afternoon

  • 18.00 Opening of the exhibitions “Visions from Himalaya” by Y. Mathpal and “Nel linguaggio del simbolo: cervi arborei, cervi archetipici” by M. Chirenza



  • 21.00 Concert “String, fife and drum” traditional music from Europe
5 October


  • 09.00 Guided visit to major Rock Art sites in Valcamonica (around Capo di Ponte e Paspardo)


  • 14.00 section:

“Rupestrian Archaeology: new methods, techniques and terminology”

Late afternoon

  • 17.00 Round table: “The chronology of the Rock Art of Valcamonica in the context of the archaeology and of the prehistoric art in Europe”
  • 19.00 Conclusions and presentations of motions

final aperitif


  • Mila SIMÕES DE ABREU (Universitad de Vila Real – Portugal)
  • Andrea ARCÀ (Orme dell’Uomo – Italy)
  • Paul G. BAHN (Australian Rock Art Association – UK)
  • Giacomo CAMURI (Orme dell’Uomo – Italy)
  • Stefania CASINI (Civico Museo Archeologico di Bergamo – Italy)
  • Raffaele C. DE MARINIS (Università degli Studi di Milano – Italy)
  • Annie ECHASSOUX (Laboratoire Départemental de Préhistoire du Lazaret – France)
  • Francesco FEDELE (Università degli Studi di Napoli – Italy)
  • Patrizia FRONTINI (Civiche Raccolte Archeologiche di Milano – Italy)
  • Filippo Maria GAMBARI (Soprintendenza Archeologica del Piemonte – Italy)
  • Franco MARZATICO (Servizio Beni Culturali di Trento – Italia

Guided visits will interest two main areas of the Valcamonica rock engravings. The participants the Congress can choose if join the visit A (Naquane National Park of Rock Engravings in Capo di Ponte) or the visit B (In Valle – Capitello dei Due Pini at Paspardo in the Regional Reserve of Rock Engravings).

Capo di Ponte can be reached through railway from Boario Terme (a return ticket costs ITL 7.000).
Transport to Paspardo will be organized during the Congress, in accordance with the registrations. More information on the sites will be given during the Congress or online at the Valcamonica Rock Art web page


For the hotel reservation please contact the:

Society Boario Congressi
via Manifattura, 25041 DARFO BOARIO TERME – BS
voice +39-364-534.342 fax +39-364-53.65.45


double room, half board (minimum stay two days), per person, per day:

  • Hotel : ITL 90.000
  • Hotel ***: ITL 70.000
  • Hotel **: ITL 55.000

For other requests and further information contact the Society Boario Congressi

Archaeology and Rock Art
Europe – Alps – Valcamonica

Application form
Cemmo 1 engraved deer









I intend to participate: (please notice that the default choice is "yes", click to change)

with a paper with a poster only as auditor I want to receive the 2nd circular

Only for contributions and posters


Ethnography and Rock Art Archaeology and Rock Art in Europe Archaeology and Rock Art in the Alps Archaeology and Rock Art in Valcamonica Rupestrian Archaeology: new methods, techniques and terminology

Paper title.:

Poster title:


Press only once - no automatic reply

You can send this application form also by fax or mail:

Footsteps of man - Orme dell'Uomo Cooperativa Archeologica
Le Orme dell’Uomo
Piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1

voice +39-364-433983 fax +39-364-434351

Email: contact page
www: http://rupestre.net/orme/ruparc.html

General information


Those wishing to attend the Congress and to present a paper are requested to fill in the application form, specifying the section, the title of the paper and adding (by separate email and/or attached file or by snail-mail) a summary in English (3000 types) including a brief bibliography, one page (A4 21×29.7 cm) with 2 drawings or b/w pictures completed with captions. Posters should be already assembled on a panel of 70×100 cm.

It is fundamental to send to the Secretariat of the Congress the application form and the summary both on floppy disk (IBM/PC) and paper, indicating the Word Processor, by 20 September 1997. If the abstract does not reach the Secretariat of the Congress by this date, its publication in the abstracts cannot be guaranteed. The scientific committee of the Footsteps of Man Co-operative Archaeological Society will send a letter of acceptance.

Registration fee

Between 30 July and 20 September 1997 those wishing to participate in the Congress as auditors or those who have been their paper accepted should pay the registration fee of 100.000 ITL (60.000 ITL for students) through bank transfer to:

    • current account in the name of Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo” c/o Banca di Valle Camonica

The registration fee (obligatory in order to be able to participate in the Congress) entitles to the following:

  • a definitive programme with the list of the papers, the speakers and time table;
  • a copy of the volume of the abstracts
  • the inaugural lunch on October 2 1997
  • the final aperitif on October 5 1997
  • a guided visit to the major rock art sites of Valcamonica on October 5 1997
  • entrance to the collateral events and exhibitions in the city

The definitive programme will be available on the Web at this page:

The hotel reservation will be done by the Society Boario Congressi, voice +39-364-534342 – fax +39-364-536545

For further information please contract:

Cooperativa Archeologica
Le Orme dell’Uomo
Piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1

voice +39-364-433983 fax +39-364-434351

Email: contact page
www: http://rupestre.net/orme/


2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology

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