Funny petroglyphs II

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La Bosca

TRACCE no. 8 – by Angelo Fossati, Elena Marchi

The prehistoric man had some times a very good sense of humor. He left us some funny images: men, women and animals in “strange” positions or with different objects…

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We want to present here few images collected from the Valcamonica rock art. We suggest to the editor to create a section in the magazine dedicated to these funny images and to invite the readers to send similar funny figures of the rock art of their country.

Naquane, rock 60, National Petroglyphs Park

CENSORED. Naquane, rock 60, National Petroglyphs Park

La Bosca rock 3, Paspardo

Can you bring me the hygienic paper? La Bosca rock 3, Paspardo

Angelo Fossati – Elena Marchi
Cooperativa Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo

piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1- 25040 CERVENO (Bs), Italy
tel. 39-364-433983 – fax 39-364-434351
contact page

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology

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