TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 14 – Nov 2002



# 14November 2002

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 14
by Footsteps of Man-Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

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TRACCE online Rock Art Bulletin is open to rock art researchers and associations

Dams and Rock Art: a match made in hell

The impact of dams on the rock art of Portugal was, in the last fifty years, devastating. Six major areas were affected.

by Mila Simões de Abreu – Read online.

Rock Carvings in the Borderlands

Bohuslän/Dalsland in Sweden and Østfold in Norway. An INTERREG IIA project. Final report.

by Jan Magnusson – Read online.

A diabolical metamorphosis

The rock art site “Höll” in Upper Austria was documented in the fifties. In the international literature it is the best known place in Austria…

by Werner PICHLER – Read online.

Discovering Southern African rock art

Eight years ago, two South African archaeology students were walking in the breathtaking Drakensberg Mountains. As the sun began to set after a hard day’s searching for ancient rock paintings, they made their way back to camp. Suddenly, a ferocious lightning storm struck. One of the students pointed to a rock shelter at the top of a steep hill to the west.

by Jamie Hampson MA (Oxon) – Read online.

Arte schematica e coppelle

La documentazione più recente, che costituisce il corpo di questa comunicazione, offre elementi di inquadramento archeologico che possono aprire uno spiraglio sia in termini cronologici che in termini interpretativi.

by Andrea Arcà – Read online.

November 8 1994: Côa Valley, a date to remember

The rock art community first heard of the existence of a major rock-art site in the Côa river valley on 8 November 1994. In the Anuário da Região Duriense of 1939, José Silvério Andrade refers to several engravings. Andrade’s note never reached the attention of the right scholars. He is the first and real discoverer of the Côa area engravings.

by Mila Simões de Abreu and Alexandre Parafita – Read online.

Breakthrough for Dampier rock art

Today there has been an important breakthrough in IFRAO’s campaign to save the rock art of Dampier, Western Australia…

by Robert Bednarik – Read online.

Bhimbhetka cave paintings (India)

I am sending some photographs of pre-historic cave paintings at Bhimbhetka,Madhya Pradesh, India (taken by me) which you may like to publish in TRACCE bulletin. I shall be thankful if my name is mentioned as contributor.

by Sarbanidas Roy – Read online.

Analisi probabilistica delle “Rose” di Sellero

La rosa di Carpene a Sellero in Valcamonica è formata da due linee di 5 coppelle ciascuna allineate lungo la direzione Nord-Sud ed Est-Ovest. La linea nord-sud è racchiudibile in un inviluppo rettangolare minimo pari con dimensioni A=60 cm e B=5 cm. Il rapporto B/A vale 0.083 che conduce ad una “fuzziness” pari a 4.8 gradi.

by Adriano Gaspani – Read online.

L’analisi delle configurazioni di coppelle

Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di mettere a punto una metodologia oggettiva basata su solide basi matematiche e statistiche capace di classificare in maniera del tutto automatica e affidabile le configurazioni rilevate, fornendo anche una misura della quantità di informazione in esse codificata.

by Adriano Gaspani – Read online.

EuroPreArt, the project

Prehistoric Art is among the most important components of the European Heritage. It stands as an example of the diversity of the cultural memories of the European territories, but it also witnesses a common trend, a radical unity, in the emergence of symbolic behaviour.

by Luiz Oosterbeek, EuroPreArt coordinator
Read online.

The rhombus: a very frequent rock art sign

In the research area of Upper Austrian Salzkammergut rhombi can be found at 32 of 44 sites (73 %). Thus it is the sign with the widest distribution. The rhomb occurs in all altitudes and in all sorts of sites. The places with the greatest number of rhombi are: Kienbachklamm, Echerntal and Steinberg, Nieder Dürren and Sulzbach.

by Werner Pichler – Read online.

Urgent assist: petroglyphs

The mayor of Albuquerque, without proper public notice, approved the bulldozing and paving of a controversial road through our sacred petroglyphs. The petroglyphs are one of the few remaining sacred sites.

by Wendy and Clinton Thunderchief – Read online.

Le rocce segnate

Il Gruppo Archeologico Pisano trasmette l’invito a partecipare alla Conferenza-dibattito ed alla inaugurazione della mostra sulle incisioni rupestri del territorio massese, con particolare riferimento al sito de “La Grotta delle Crocie” recentemente scoperto.

by Paolo Emilio Bagnoli – Read online.

Manual de arte rupestre de Cundinamarca

Estimados colegas: presentamos la información de una nueva publicacion de arte rupestre en Colombia.

by Alvaro Botiva Contreras, Diego Martínez Celis
Read online.

Guide of Good Conduct to Prehistoric Art

Prehistoric Art belongs to all of us and above all, to future generations: this document contains important suggestions for visitors and researchers dealing with rock art.

by Mila Simões de Abreu – UTAD, IFRAO Portugal
Read online.

The EuroPreArt database system

The EuroPreArt database system has been developed by a team of European Institutions and Universities: any comment regarding its structure and organization is welcome.

by Andrea Arcà – Footsteps of Man, EuroPreArt webmaster
Read online.

Jean Clottes no Porto

JEAN CLOTTES, francês, é um dos maiores especialistas mundiais de arte rupestre, e em particular de arte paleolítica, Conservador geral do Património, está encarregado da direcção da equipa que estuda a gruta Chauvet – uma das mais importantes descobertas dos anos 90 neste âmbito. – Read online.

Save Dampier rock art

Another serious menace to a major rock art site. What can we do? We can start from the online petition Save Dampier rock art.

by Robert G. Bednarik – Read online.

The risks of the new Italian act

A new act states by now that the Italian Cultural Heritage is no more inalienable: please help!
I rischi della nuova legge sulla “Patrimonio dello Stato spa”: aderisci alla richiesta di sospensione.

by Marco Collareta, Donata Levi – Read online.

Archeoastronomia, Paleoastronomia e Megalitismo

Contributo presentato al Congresso Internazionale “Coppelle e dintorni nell’arco alpino meridionale” organizzato dalla Società Archeologica Comense(Como, 28/29 september 2002).

by Enrico Calzolari & Davide Gori & A.L.S.S.A.
Read online.

tracce2002TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 14 – Nov 2002

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