Digital auto-tracing (inline PPT to PDF)

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Pera dij Cros

TRACCE no. 11 – Andrea Arcà

Digital auto-tracing in Rock Art Recording. Applications of computer vectorial design (inline PPT to PDF).
In the same way that we need to have a good reproduction of the scenes depicted or embossed in vases, we have the necessity of recognising perfectly all the figures engraved on a rock surface…

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In the same way that we need to have a good reproduction of the scenes depicted or embossed in vases (fig. 1), we have the necessity of recognising perfectly all the figures engraved on a rock surface. In most cases the engraved figures are very faint, and often superimposed one each other (fig. 2-3). The complete recognition of all the figures and of all the superimpositions is the basis for a correct rock art recording , it means the basis for a correct “rupestrian archaeology”.

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