TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 41 – May 2017

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TRACCE41logo# 41 – May 2017

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 41

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

41: 1 2 3 4 5 6


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Naquane, festa dei musei

Sabato 20 maggio 2017 alle ore 15 presso il parco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Naquane a Capo di Ponte (BS) Navigando sulla grande Roccia, presentazione del tour virtuale della Roccia 1 del Parco di Naquane; dalle 20 alle 23 apertura straordinaria del parco con visita notturna delle rocce incise

by TRACCE editor

Learn rock art: Valcamonica fieldwork 2017

Tracing prehistory: from July 20 to August 10 2017 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. We are working on engraved rocks made by prehistoric and protohistoric people during the Neolithic (six thousand years ago), Bronze Age and Iron Age (from four thousand to two thousand years ago).This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Roccia dei giochi, il libro

Lunedì 27 marzo 2017 alle ore 18 presso il Centro Studi Piemontesi, in via Ottavio Revel 15 a Torino, per i Colloqui del Lunedì, Daniela Berta, Andrea Arcà e Francesco Rubat Borel dialogano intorno al libro Roccia dei Giochi, Roccia di Giove: un masso inciso tra preistoria ed età moderna a Usseglio, pubblicato dal Museo Civico Alpino “Arnaldo Tazzetti” di Usseglio

by TRACCE editor

IFRAO 2018: call for session proposals

Call for session proposals
NEW deadline February 15 2017

XX International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Sulle spalle dei giganti
Darfo-Boario Terme (BS) Italia
29 August – 2 September 2018

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IFRAO 2018: invito a presentare sessioni

Invito a presentare proposte di sessione
NUOVO termine ultimo 15 Febbraio 2017

XX Congresso Internazionale di Arte Rupestre IFRAO 2018
Standing on the shoulders of giants
Sulle spalle dei giganti
Darfo-Boario Terme (BS) Italia
29 Agosto – 2 Settembre 2018

by TRACCE editor

Los Petroglifos de Tintín, Sihuas, Arequipa, Perú

Tintín es un sitio pequeño de arte rupestre en el valle del Río Sihuas en el sur de Perú. El sitio, también conocido como Cerro Blanco y Pisanay tiene algunas rocas con petroglifos. La Roca Principal es bastante grande y tiene un gran cantidad de imágenes. Un video muestra los petroglifos en detalle.

Tintín is a small rock site in the Sihuas River valley in southern Peru. The site, also known as Cerro Blanco and Pisanay has some rocks with petroglyphs. The Main Rock is quite large and has a lot of images. A video shows those petroglyphs in detail.

by Maarten van Hoek

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 41

May 2017

WP version

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