Archive for Computerware

AsTrend, ancient carvings enhanced



A short outline of a new low cost methodology: we present the AsTrend, a new methodology for enhance and depict details of the 3D models. This technique is being revealed as an accurate method to study rock art carvings and inscriptions. We think that this method could be used by everyone as the main study objects are based in low cost photogrammetry on the acquisition of 3D models.

by M. Carrero-Pazos, A. Vázquez-Martínez, B. Vilas-Estévez

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CAA 2016, call for papers

Call for papers

Call for papers

Call for papers: CAA 2016, section 6, Computer tools for depicting shape and detail in 3D archaeological models. Deadline for paper submission 25 October 2015. Communications, posters and audio-visual material will be accepted, especially those that deal with new computer techniques, to depict shape and detail in 3D archaeological models.

by M. Carrero-Pazos, A. Vázquez-Martínez
B. Vilas-Estévez, M. Miguel Busto-Zapico

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Northern Scandinavia rock paintings: NIR analysis


NIR analysis

[CAA 2015 – session 3C abstract]

Field based Near Infrared analysis of Rock paintings in northern Scandinavia. Seven different sites have been investigated and generated large amounts of multivariate data requiring multivariate data analysis…


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CAA 2015, computer and rock art studies


Call for papers

The Call for Papers for the 43rd International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA 2015) is open. You may submit your abstract for the Session 3C, Computer and rock art studies: data collection,  interpretation and communication. Deadline november 20th 2014.

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Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database updated

Rock Art Studies Bibliographic Database updated.
After twenty years, the database contains over 27,000 citations.

by Leigh Marymor
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EuroPreArt, the project


Prehistoric Art is among the most important components of the European Heritage. It stands as an example of the diversity of the cultural memories of the European territories, but it also witnesses a common trend, a radical unity, in the emergence of symbolic behaviour.

by Luiz Oosterbeek, EuroPreArt coordinator

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The EuroPreArt database system

Data entry form

The EuroPreArt database system has been developed by a team of European Institutions and Universities: any comment regarding its structure and organization is welcome.

by Andrea Arcà – Footsteps of Man, EuroPreArt webmaster

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Establishment of a Global Archive

Global archive

TRACCE no. 12 – by B. K. Swartz Jr., John P. Hale

Establishment of a Global Archive of Prehistoric Rock Art Photographs.
The Global Archive of Prehistoric Rock Art Photographs is a web-based depository for rock art images and associated information.

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Recording Symposium

AURA 2000

TRACCE no. 12 – by Jane Kolber, Andrea Arcà, Mila Simoes de Abreu

Third AURA Congress. Millennium: a fresh start.
Hosted by the Australian Rock Art Research Association
in Alice Springs, 10 – 14 July 2000.

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EuRockArt email list

Rock art email

TRACCE no. 12 – by A. Fossati, A. Arcà, M. Simões de Abreu

European Rock Art – Arte rupestre Europea – Art Rupèstre Europeènne.
Every day the Web is growing in Europe. This diffusion has caused an unprecedented increase of communication between rock art scholars.

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Karedaran – the computer database of rock art

Armenian rock art

TRACCE no. 12 – by Gregor Vahanian, Souren Petrosyan

KAREDARAN is a museum of stone art. “KAR” in Armenian means “stone”. Sometimes Armenia’s called “KARASTAN” – the country of stones. The territory of “KAREDARAN” as a matter of fact is an open University of antiquity.

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Printing Digital Images

Chumash, California

TRACCE no. 11 – by R. Paul Firnhaber

I had a photographic exhibit at the IRAC 98 Conference in Vila Real, Portugal where I displayed images from ten countries on five continents. While in last minute preparations for this exhibit, I decided to also include a number of prints that were made from digitized slides enhanced in Adobe PhotoShop and printed on my desktop printer.

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Digital auto-tracing (inline PPT to PDF)

Pera dij Cros

TRACCE no. 11 – Andrea Arcà

Digital auto-tracing in Rock Art Recording. Applications of computer vectorial design (inline PPT to PDF).
In the same way that we need to have a good reproduction of the scenes depicted or embossed in vases, we have the necessity of recognising perfectly all the figures engraved on a rock surface…

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Digital auto-tracing

Pera dij Cros

TRACCE no. 11 – Andrea Arcà

Digital auto-tracing in Rock Art Recording. Applications of computer vectorial design.
In the same way that we need to have a good reproduction of the scenes depicted or embossed in vases, we have the necessity of recognising perfectly all the figures engraved on a rock surface…

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Digital Image Processing

Selva Pascuala

TRACCE no. 11 – by Phil Clogg, Margarita Díaz-Andreu

Digital Image Processing and the Recording of Rock Art.
Traditional techniques of recording entail a high degree of subjectivity due to the important number of decisions that the specialist has to take. Different recordings on the same motif usually show contradictory interpretations of certain features…

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Quantitative Assessment of Rock Art Recording

Photoshop Split Screen

TRACCE no. 11 – by John M. Brayer, Henry Walt, Bruno David

In this paper we report on quantitative measures of comparison of two rock art recordings. We conclude that free hand drawing is very inaccurate and that experts may be no better than beginners at accurate recording

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Computers and Rock-Art session


TRACCE no. 11 – by Andrea Arcà, José Bulas Cruz

Computers and Rock-Art session Rationale.
“Crossing Frontiers”
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Computer techniques applied to Rock Art

TRACCE no. 9 – by R. Mariano G. Castelo Branco

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Computer techniques applied to Rock Art in NE Brasil.
This paper has as main objective to show the use of some computer techniques applied to digital photographs in the study of rock painting in the region of Forquilha, NE Brazil, Ceará State

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