International Prehistoric Art Conference


TRACCE no. 10 – by Elena Mìklashevich

International Prehistoric Art Conference 3-8 August 1998, Kemerovo, RUSSIA.
Organized by:
– Siberian Association of Prehistoric Art Research (SAPAR)
– Kemerovo State University
– Museum-Preserve “Tomskaya Pisanitsa” .

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The objective of this congress will be to focus on current problems in prehistoric art studies: modern field and laboratory research methods, theoretical and historical analysis, chronology, semantic interpretation, preservation and presentation.

The Academic Committee
Dr Z. Abramova, Dr P. G. Bahn, R. Bednarik, Dr J. Clottes, Dr M.Devlet, Dr. E. Devlet, Dr H.-P. Francfort, Dr. N. Franklin, Dr J.-C. Gardin, Dr E. Jacobson, Dr. M. Khuzhanazarov, Dr V. Kubarev, N. Leontjev, Dr M. Lorblanchet, Prof. Dr A. Martynov, Dr G. Martynova, E. Miklashevich, Dr V. Molodin, Dr V. Ranov, Dr D. Sacchi, Dr Z. Samashev, Prof. Dr D. Savinov, Prof. Dr D. Seglie, Prof. Dr J. Sher, Dr O. Sovetova, Dr K.Tashbaeva, Dr A. Tratebas

Six days of 9 academic symposia, covering a wide range of topics relevant to some important aspects of research in Prehistoric Art; discussions; round tables; presentations of new finds; films; displays; exhibitions; museum visits; excursion and workshop on the rock art sites of the River Tom; opening and closing plenary session, gala-dinner, etc.

Symposia and chairmen

  1. Theory and methods (J. Sher, J.-C. Gardin)
  2. Prehistoric art and archaeological context (Z. Abramova, J. Clottes)
  3. Prehistoric art and natural environment (E. Devlet, A. Tratebas)
  4. Archetypes, universals and analogies in prehistoric art of the world (M. Lorblanchet, D. Rayevsky)
  5. Style and chronology (B. Molodin, D. Sacchi)
  6. Ancient art of the Eurasian steppes (H.-P. Francfort, A. Martynov)
  7. Rock Art, ethnography and religion. (D. Savinov, D. Seglie)
  8. 8.Sexual scenes in prehistoric art: Myth or reality? (P. Bahn, D. Cheremisin)
  9. Preservation and presentation of prehistoric art. N. Franklin, E. Miklashevich)


Round tables

  1. Prehistoric Art and education (D.Seglie)
  2. Subject and composition in prehistoric art (M. Devlet)

Enigmatic images. (O. Sovetova)

Papers and languages
The time limit for papers is 20 minutes. The official languages of the Congress will be Russian and English. Abstracts of papers (max. 400words) should be submitted in Russian or English (preferably, but French, Italian, Spanish and German will also be allowed. Abstracts will be published in the Conference book.

Tours and excursions
There will be a number of pre- and post-conference tours lasting from 4 to 10 days. It will be possible to see the numerous rock art sites of Southern and Eastern Siberia, as well as the museums, monuments, ethnographical sights and beautiful landscapes.

Pre-conference tour: Middle Yenisei Rock Art sites

The rock art sites to be visited are located on both banks of the middle course of the great Siberian river Yenisei.
The left bank belongs to Khakassià we will see the following rock art sites: Oglakhty, the biggest of all, which is really a complex of several sites (all periods are represented here, from the Stone Age to the ethnographic present); the famous Boyarkaya Pisanitsa, with its unique images of ancient dwellings; and Abakano-Perevoz, with lots of images of fantastic creatures.

The right bank belongs to the southern part of the Krasnoyarsk region.

Here we will visit:
Sukhanikha (including the Large Frieze); Shalabolino, which is characterized by an absolute predominance of petroglyphs of the early periods – the Stone Age and Eneolithic.

One of the peculiarities of South Siberian archaeology is the use of big stone slabs in the construction of ancient graves and barrows. Very often, these slabs are decorated. We will examined the unique open-air collection of stelae and decorated slabs excavated from ancient graves in Khakassia.

On the tour’s arrival and departure days, we will visit the museums of Abakan and Minusinsk with their vast archaeological and prehistoric art collections.

Usuallythe last part of July is the most wonderful time in Khakassia, with nice sunny weather and temperatures of 25-30° C; but unfortunately, rainy weather is also possible.

The tour will start on July 27th.
For all details, please contact:
Elena Mìklashevich,
Dept of Archaeology Kemerovo State University
Krasnaya Street O, Kemerovo 050043 RUSSIA
Tel.: (3842)231956 Fax: (3842) 233885

Post-conference tour: rock art sites in Tuva region
Post-conference tour
We invite you to participate in a special post-conference tour through rock art sites in Tuva. The Republic of Tuva is a land in the very heart of Asia, and is not easy to get to. For many years Tuva has been an enigma for researchers. Its soil and rocks preserve evidence of the life and culture of peoples who lived here or passed through the territory. There are many puzzles in the distant past of Tuva. This means that there is a strong possibility that new discoveries of ancient rock art will be made during the trip. But the intention of the organizers is to show you the most famous and spectacular sites with rock art.

The tour is arranged by Dr. V. Semionov and Dr. M. Kilunovskaya, two eminent specialists in the archaeology and rock art of Innermost Asia. They have a long and rich experience of archaeological field work in Tuva, and have also published a series of books and articles on different questions concerning ancient history and culture.

It is intended to visit about 10 rock art sites, with more than several hundred images. All of them are easily accessible, so the journey will not be exhausting. The approximate distance to be covered is 1000 km.

The approximate duration of the tour is 9 days, starting in Kyzyl on August 9, and returning to Abakan on August 17 1998. For some participants it will be possible to return to Kyzyl. Because the trip will be visiting regions with a sparse population, everything needed will be acquired in advance. Transportation in buses, nights in tents on camp sites and nutrition three-times a day will be provided by the organizers. Participants need to bring warm clothes, insect repellent, and sun-screen.


  • August 9 arrival in Kyzyl, accommodation in hotel; walk through the town to the monument “The Centre of Asia”, visit of the museum
  • August 10 – trip io the Malyi Bayan-Khoi site near Kyzyl and examination of the petroglyphs on the right bank of the Yenisei river. Return to Kyzyl. Meeting in the Institute of Human Researches of the Tuva Republic.
  • August 11 – departure from Kyzyl. Visit of the Syyn-Tchurek site. Lunch at the site. Journey to Mugur-sargol. Spend night the Yenisei river bank.
  • August 12 – visit of the Ortaa-Sargol site and other neighbouring gorges. Spend night on the Yenisei river bank.
  • August 13 – journey through mountain pass to the Khemchik river valley. Site ot Tchyrgaky. Spend night on the bank of the Tchyrgaky river.
  • August 14 – examination of the petroglyphs of Tchyrgaky. Journey to Byzhygtig-Khaia. Spend night on the river Khemchik bank.
  • August 15 – examination of the site of Byzhygtig-Khaia. Celebration of the Day of the Archaeologist.
  • August 16 – visit of the museum in Kyzyl-Mazhalyg (collection of decorated rocks). Examination of the petroglyphs at Saryg-Dash. Enter the Abaza highway. Spend night on the bank ot the Ak-Sug river. August 17 – journey to Abakan along the Abaza highway through breathtaking landscapes. Arrival in Abakan. Departure of participants.

For all details, please, contact to:

Dr. Vladimir Semionov, Dr. Marina Kilunovskaya
Tel./Fax (812) 422-31-62
(this fax-machine does not turn on automaticalìy. When calling, please ask for it to be switched on)
Address: Institute of the History of Material culture
Dvortsovaya nab., 18
St.Petersburg 191186 RUSSIA


By mail to Elena Miklashevich
secretary of SAPAR
Dept of Archaeology, Kemerovo State University
Krasnaya Street 6
Kemerovo 650043, RUSSIA

Contact address:
International Prehistoric Art Conference
552222 Dept. of Archaeology
Kemerovo State University
Krasnaya St., 6 650043 Kemerovo RUSSIA
Tel. (3842) 234318, 369472, 231956 Fax: (3842) 233885

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