TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 20 – Jan 2005



# 20 – Jan 2005

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 20
by Footsteps of Man-Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

20: 1 2 3 4 5

TRACCE online Rock Art Bulletin is open to rock art researchers and associations

Montpedrós Rock Art

A set of engravings are located on a rock in the highest part of the chain of mountains named Serrat de la Torrassa o Torratxa, in the village of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona, Catalonia. The paper describes this engravings and compare them with similar engravings in Catalonia. By their type we think they can be dated in the Calcholitic or Bronze periods.).

by F. Anguas, A. Fàbrega, J.M. Huélamo, J.M. Solias – Read online.

Rock art and archaeology in Syria

Dear Colleagues, The preliminary report of Campaign 2004 at the archaeological and rock-art sites of the Hemma Plateau (Hassake, Syria) is now on-line. Archéologie et art rupestre à Khishâm (Hassake, Syrie). Vous trouverez le rapport préliminaire de la Campagne 2004 sur le site web du Centre de Recherche “Espaces et Sociétés – approches comparatives” (ULB)..

by Paul Van Berg – Read online.

Warriors and duels in Valcamonica rock art

Iron Age figures represent 80% of Valcamonica rock art, hundreds of thousands of figures finely pecked on richest european archives of open-air rock art. Here only a little excerpt of warriors and duels. Photo-gallery.

by Andrea Arcà – Read online.

Valcamonica, vandalismo!

Rock 6 of Nadro Park heavily defaced, please sign the appeal for a better care in Valcamonica rock art protection. Sfregiate rocce a Nadro, uno dei principali parchi di arte rupestre della Valcamonica, un invito a firmare l’appello per una migliore protezione.

by Anna Maria Basché – Read online.

Big Problems this Summer for American Rockart!

This summer is a nightmare for the preservation of rockart in the American Southwest and West. Damages being done by a variety of mining and non-mainstream “science” groups may go unstopped without your interest and assistance immediately!

by Deb Huglin – Read online.

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