TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 19 – Jul 2004



# 19Jul 2004

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 19
by Footsteps of Man-Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

19: 1 2 3 4

TRACCE online Rock Art Bulletin is open to rock art researchers and associations

Nuevas representaciones de arte paleolítico

En este artículo se presentan nuevas representaciones de arte rupestre paleolítico que han sido halladas recientemente en Extremadura. En dos de los casos se trata de figuras que se añaden a un repertorio iconográfico ya conocido. El tercero de los hallazgos es inédito..

by Hipólito Collado Giraldo –  Read online.

New Website on Rock Art in Bolivia

The Bolivian Rock Art Research Society SIARB has now a Web site. It informs in Spanish, English and German on current activities by SIARB, publications, its Board of Directors and regional representatives. In a “gallery” a map shows the distribution of rock art sites in Bolivia.

by SIARB – Bolivia – Read online.

Encuentro Arte Rupestre PERU

Meeting Rock Art Perú (June 30, July 7) 2004. Lima-PERU. Programa.

by EPAR (right: from A. Núñez Jiménez A., 986, Petroglifos del Perú. Fig. 2561) – Read online.

Oxalate conference – call for papers

This first announcement is a call for expressions of interest in presenting a paper and/or displaying a poster at the Third International Conference on Oxalate Films associated with works of art… International Conference on “Oxalate Films on Rocks and Works of Art”.

by Alan Watchman – Read online.

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