TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 8 – Jul 1997

La Gasulla

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin no. 8
1 July 1997 – cover and index only






On Line Rock Art Bulletin ———> by Footsteps of Man

Number n.7 1997 July

Send texts and images for next issue
Footsteps of Man is an IFRAO association from Valcamonica – Italy

Maintained by Footsteps of Man (Le Orme dell’Uomo) archaeological Cooperative, piazza Donatori di Sangue 1 – 25040 CERVENO (BS) – ITALY – phone +39-364-433.983 fax +39-364-43.43.51
email page

Best viewed with Netscape 3.0 and 800 x 600 – 64K colors screen

The GENERAL page
Grant S. McCall Following Tracks (Namibia)
A. Watchman New Course in Rock Art Studies (Australia)
D. Burroni Prehistoric Petroglyphs at Sasso delle Fate Italy)
U. Sansoni The Salomon’s knot
A. Fossati – E. Marchi Funny Petroglyphs II
The DIGITAL page
J. M. Vicent García
I. Montero Ruiz Angel
R. Alcalde
Digital image processing and prehistoric art (Spain)
A. Arcà Slide scanning for a digital archive
Paul G. Bahn Toro Muerto (Peru)
M. Strecker Toro Muerto – Paul Bahn’s report of 30/4/97
Footsteps of Man 2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
Paul G. Bahn Cochabamba
Jack Steinbring Call for sessions proposals
Editor Rock Art Studies: News of the World I
Call for papers (next issues: 1997 October and 1998 January)
Past ISSUES and links
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 past issues and general index
Valcamonica Rock Art Valcamonica
TRACCE home page Valcamonica

call any email information to
Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo
or write or fax or phone:
dr. Angelo Fossati – Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo
piazzale Donatori di Sangue 1- 25040 CERVENO (Bs), Italy
tel. 39-364-433983 – fax 39-364-434351

English editing by Maurice Zanon

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created on July 1 1997


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