Urgent Rock Art Sos – FUMHAM

Serra da Capivara

This is an urgent appeal. Due to a lack of funding, the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano (FUMDHAM), that takes care of the Serra Capivara National Rock Art Park, is in danger of closing. Don’t let this happen, sign the petition.

by Mila Simoes de Abreu (IFRAO – Portugal)

TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011

Urgent Rock Art Sos and request for help
– Fundação Museu do Homem Americano

Please take a minute to sign an important petition at this site – assine a pedição

This is an urgent appeal from Niède Guidon, President of the Brazilian Rock Art Association (Associação Brasileira de Arte Rupestre) and Director of the Serra Capivara National Rock Art Park (Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara) in Brasil. Due to a lack of funding, the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano (FUMDHAM) – Foundation Museum of the American Man – that takes care of the Park, is in danger of closing. Don’t let this happen sign the petition.

For more information about the Serra da Capivara National Park and the FUMDHAM visit:


Please forward this message to your friends, and post it on message boards so others can sign the petition.

Serra da Capivara Park (Brasil)


Below is the text of the petition. Again, please sign it at this site (http://www.PetitionOnline.com/fumdham/petition.html)


For many years the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano (FUMDHAM) helped the study, preservation and management of the Serra da Capivara National Park. FUMDHAM is not only one of the foremost archaeological institutes in the Americas but a jewel in the Brazilian research tradition, and represents one of your internationally most renowned scientific and cultural assets.

The National Park is famous internationally for containing some of the most important archaeological and rock art sites on your continent, including Toca do Boqueirão do Sítio da Pedra Furada, Sítio do Meio, Cima dos Pilão, Baixão da Perna and Caiçaras. This is the reason why, in 1991, it was accepted to be part of the prestigious UNESCO World Heritage list.

The lack of funds was always countered with the extraordinary dedication of its scientific team and the wonderful spirit of the people of São Raimundo Donato, not least those involved in the Park. Years of great work transform the area in a model admired around the world. The park is not only a paradise for the lovers of prehistoric art, a treasure for archaeologists or a safe haven for animals and plants. Through the work of the FUMDHAM, the park is also today a motor of local sustainable development. Jobs were created, schools maintained, local products promoted–in one word, Progress.

It is with great preoccupation that we received news of the threatened closure, due to lack of funding, of the many good works of the foundation.

We appeal to you to consider the repercussions of the closure of one of your country’s most respected research institutes internationally and especially, to the protection of the area of the Parque Nacional da Serra da Capivara

Thank you for considering this appeal.



Serra da Capivara Park Rock Art (Brasil)

(taken from http://www.fumdham.org.br)


A Fundação Museu do Homem Americano (FUMDHAM), localizada em São Raimundo Nonato, Piauí, que garante manejo e fiscalização dos mais de 700 sítios arqueológicos do Parque Nacional Serra da Capivara, um museu a céu aberto, incluído pela UNESCO na lista de Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade, e que, além de fornecer sustentação a projetos de pesquisas, garante também a preservação da flora e fauna da mais representativa área de caatinga do Brasil, está para fechar suas portas. Está para fechar suas portas por falta de verbas governamentais.

Não podemos deixar que isso aconteça: assine a pedição.

Encaminhe este pedido de socorro ao:
Send your letters of support to :

– Presidente Luiz Ignácio Lula da Silva
– à Ministra do Meio Ambiente Marina Silva
– ao Ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil
– ao Governador do Estado do Piauí, Wellington Dias

Serra da Capivara Park Rock Art (Brasil)


Signatures will be gathered there and then sent to the appropriate authorities.

Sign here: http://www.PetitionOnline.com/fumdham/petition.html
Thank you for your assistance.

Mila Simoes de Abreu (IFRAO – Portugal)

Serra da Capivara Park Rock Art (Brasil)

(13.867 views in previous TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011)

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