The plight of Portuguese rock art

Guadiana cow


TRACCE no. 13 TRACCE open access papers

Arcà A., Bednarik R.G., Fossati A., Jaffe  L., Simões De Abreu M. 2001.
Damned dams again: the plight of Portuguese rock art, Rock Art Research 2001, volume 18, n. 1, special report insert, pp. i-viii

13 – April 2001 special issue devoted to the Guadiana Rock Art

Damned dams again:

the plight of Portuguese rock art

Portugal’s most important rock art finds of the last three decades all have a rather unfortunate association with dam projects. Considering that there are hydro-electric and holding reservoirs on almost all the major rivers in Portugal, it was almost inevitable that rock art would be affected by some of these projects. The history of this association, which usually proved fatal for the rock art, is reviewed here. It provides a lesson to those trying to preserve rock art. Attention is given to the sociology of state-funded agencies charged with the protection of archaeological resources and rock art.


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