Short news and appointments

TRACCE no. 2

Rock Art mail list 1996 January-February subjects, short news, how to contribute…

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Rock Art mail list most recent subjects (1996 January-February):

  • Early Rock-Art …………….(29.1.96. Better known researchers of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s in California, Washington and Idaho, 1+12 messages)
  • Rock Art ………………….(7.2.96. Question: how do we call painted petroglyphs?, 1+6 messages)
  • Little people ……………..(15.2.96. Rockart and lilliputian hallucination, 1+2 messages)
  • Cup-Marks …………………(17.2.96. Worldwide discussion about cup-marks, 1+5 messages)
  • Rock Art from North California (18.2.96. Presentation of a site and discussion about detailed maps in the web, 1+6 messages)
  • Imaging Rockart…………….(20.2.96. Worldwide discussion about digital imaging, 1+16 messages)
  • Atlatl ……………………(21.2.96. Informations about atlatl petroglyph,
  • 1+15 messages)

Fieldworks in Valcamonica (Italy) with Footsteps of Man Grosio (Valtellina) July 20-30, 1996 Paspardo (Valcamonica) August 1-10, 1996 Trainig in studying – recording – tracing prehistoric alpine Rock Art Rock Art lectures Vacancies for 20 volunteers at both sites Minimum stay one week.

Rock Art Research – Moving into the Twenty-First Century Swakopmund, Namibia, August 1l-18, 1996. Official IFRAO meeting 1996 organized by SARARA. Suggested topics for papers: Recording methods Dating Meaning and motivation Environmental issues and site management Education Aesthetic considerations.

International Rock Art Congress 1997 Cochabamba, Bolivia April 1-6, 1997. Sponsored by IFRAO and UNESCO. Symposia and chairmen: Rock art dating (Watchman-Prous).

The earliest rock art in the Americas (Steinbring-Schobinger) The earliest rock art – a world perspective (Bednarik) New approaches to rock art studies (D’Errico-Ogleby) Administration and conservation of rock art (Wainwright) New studies of rock art in south America (Briones-Dubelaar-Aschero-Podestrá-Taboada)

IFRAO meeting – Exhibitions. Registration of papers before September 30, 1996


Tracce is open to all Rock Art organisations and researchers! We call for short texts and images for the next issue (1996 May).Texts (obviously about Rock Art and in English) must be no longer than 3000 characters. They must have a short title, a signature and an address (also email if available). Submit by writing or pasting them into the body of the email message. You can submit also images.

  • If you are working on a PC/IBM, and your email program is EUDORA, we can accept any *.TIF – *.PCX – *.EPS – *.BMP – *.GIF – *.JPG. Send them simply as attached files
  • If you are working on a MAC, export them in a PC/IBM format (*TIF, *.EPS, perhaps *.EPS is the best), and in the same way send them as attached files (not in the body of the message)
  • For short news and appointments (meetings, exhibitions, field works, books) please send an email with no more than 200 characters anda WEB link if availaible. Anyway post-offices and postmen are still working:
  • at last choice you can mail (or fax) papers and images (printed pictures, tracings, photocopies, books, reviews, newsletters… our Rock Art specialized library is waiting for your books) to Footsteps of Man (real) address:

Coop. Archeologica Le Orme dell’Uomo, piazza Donatori di Sangue 1 – 25040 CERVENO (BS) – ITALY – phone +39-364-433.983 fax +39-364-43.43.51.

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