TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 24 – Dec 2011



# 24 – Dec 2011

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 24 ––> by
edited by Footsteps of Man-Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

24: 1 2 3

TRACCE online Rock Art Bulletin is open to rock art researchers and associations

The rock art tradition of Valcamonica-Valtelllina

TRACCE open access papers

Fossati Angelo Eugenio, 2007.
The rock art tradition of Valcamonica-Valtellina, Northern Italy: a world heritage view, in 2007, in Nash G. et al. (ed.), Landscape enquiries, the proceedings of the Clifton Antiquarian Club, volume 8, pp. 139-155.
| full text-image inline PDF | English –
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Pietre incise e arte rupestre

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 1990.
Pietre incise e arte rupestre: un interesse rinnovato. Nuove ricerche e prospettive in Bassa Valle di Susa e Alta Moriana, Segusium, 28, pp. 163-186.

|  abstract and full text-image inline PDF   |    Italian – Read online.

Following Arianna’s Thread Symbolic Figures

TRACCE open access papers

Fossati Angelo Eugenio, 2007.
Following Arianna’s Thread Symbolic Figures at Female Rock Art Sites at Naquane and In Valle, Valcamonica, Italy, in Nash G., Children G., 2008 (ed.), The Archaeology of Semiotics and the Social Order of Things, BAR International Series 1833, pp. 31-44.
| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | English –
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