Call for papers

TRACCE no. 8 – by editor

Call for papers for TRACCE 10.

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Note: The next issue of TRACCE (TRACCE 9) is planned for October 1997. It is devoted to the summaries (deadline September 15 1997) of the papers of the “2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology”.

So all other papers, not related with the Congress, will be published in the issue n. 10 (1998 January, deadline December 10 1997). Please feel free to send us short papers about any RA related theme here including a single engraved rock.
TRACCE editors and readers will be interested in enlarging any point of view.

Tracce is open to all Rock Art organisations and researchers!
We call for short texts and images for the next issue.
Deadline December 10 1997.
Texts (obviously about Rock Art and in English or Spanish or French) must be no longer than 4500 types.
They must have a short title, a signature and an address (also email and web address or links if available).
Submit by writing or pasting them into the body of an email message.
You can also reach RockArtNet, where you’ll be able to paste or type directly your text into the appropriate form.
For additional informations please reach TRACCE main page.
Each author will have one or more online previews.

You are kindly asked to submit also images (2-3 each paper).

  • If you are working on a PC/IBM, and your email program is EUDORA (and also others supporting attached files), we can accept any *.TIF – *.PCX – *.EPS – *.BMP – *.GIF – *.JPG. *.

GIF and *.JPG are the best. Send them simply as attached files.

We are interested in suggesting themes.
The 1st is: RECORDING ROCK ART (records, files, databases, alphanumeric, boolean and descriptive fields, archives, “corpus”…).
All interested are required to send a paper (with pictures if possible, we can scan them) for next TRACCE issues . The aim is to make possible a first comparison between worldwide different methods.

For short news and appointments (meetings, exhibitions, field works, books) please send an email to Andrea Arcà with no more than 200 types and a WEB link if availaible. Alternatively you can reach RockArtNet, where you’ll find some useful forms which will provide to send texts TRACCE editor.

Anyway post-offices and postmen are still working: at last choice you can mail (or fax) papers and images (printed pictures, tracings, photocopies, books, reviews, newsletters… (our Rock Art specialized library is waiting for your books) to Footsteps of Man (real) address:

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2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology

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