TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 26 – Jul 2012



# 26
– Jul

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 26

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

26: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin is open to rock art researchers and associations

The strange case of snow-circles and cup-and-rings

A contemporary land-art performance curiously produces the same patterns engraved on prehistoric petroglyphs. Maybe a relationship with the landscape, real or symbolical, should be considered? Here the voices of Sonja Hinrichsen, the artist, and of Andrea Arcà, the archaeologist. The debate is open.

by Andrea Arcà and Sonja Hinrichsen – Read online.

Valcamonica&Valtellina, novità dalla ricerca

Valcamonica and Valtellina, news from the research field. April 28 2012, Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica: presentation of the Volume XXII of the Bullettin d’études préhistoriques et archéologiques Alpines.

by Angelo E. FOSSATI –   Read online.

Archaeology in Finalese Area (Western Liguria)

A large number of archaeological sites and artifacts dating back to prehistoric times in Finale Ligure area (Western Liguria), are due to the appearance of the first manifestations of human religiosity. The Author, in light of these finds, explores the primitive roots of the religious phenomenon.

by Alfredo Pirondini – Read online.

Topografiche: culture e colture, potere e poderi…

Topographic engravings: cultivations and cultures, power and holdings: the topographic engravings must be registered in the history of the topography as the oldest zenithal representations of the western and middle-eastern world. Regarding the agriculture history they testify the development of the cultivation techniques, from the hoe to the plough…
Abstract of the communication presented at the International Conference Stone Maps, June 2012, Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica – I)

by Andrea Arcà – Read online.

Alle origini dell’arte

Alle origini dell’arte è un filmato-documentario realizzato dall’Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria con la preziosa collaborazione della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana per illustrare l’attualità dell’arte preistorica attraverso il patrimonio della biblioteca. Interventi di Maria Bernabò Brea, di Raffaele De Marinis e di Carlo Sisi.

At the origins of the art is a documentary realised by the IIPP – Italian Institute of Prehistory and Protohistory in co-operation with the Tuscany archaeological Superintendence. The goal is to illustrate the actuality of the prehistoric art through the heritage of the institute library.

by IIPP – Istituto Italiano di Preistoria e Protostoria, Firenze
Read online.

The Dolmen at Monticello near Finale Ligure

The Author describes the megalith known as Dolmen di Monticello: location, orientation, structure, geomorphology and other features found during the repeated personal observations. The Village of Monticello is located at 82 m. above sea level, along the western slopes of Gottaro. The first mention of this settlement dates back to 1268 when there was the division of inheritance between the sons of Giacomo Del Carretto, Marquis of Savona

by Alfredo Pirondini – Read online.

Mappe di Pietra – Stone Maps

Convegno Internazionale, 14-15-16 Giugno 2012, Capo di Ponte, Cittàdella Cultura (BS, Valcamonica – I).

International Conference, 14th-16th June 2012, Capo di Ponte, Cittàdella Cultura (Valcamonica – I)

by Alberto Marretta, Craig Alexander, Angelo Martinotti
Read online.

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 26 – Jul 2012

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