Warriors and duels in Valcamonica rock art

Iron age duel

Iron Age figures represent 80% of Valcamonica rock art, hundreds of thousands of figures finely pecked on richest european archives of open-air rock art. Here only a little excerpt of warriors and duels.

by Andrea Arcà

TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011

Warriors and Iron Age duels in Valcamonica rock art


IIron Age figures represent 80% of Valcamonica rock art, hundreds of thousands of figures finely pecked on the permian sandstone of one of the richest european archives of open-air rock art. Here only a little excerpt of warriors and duels, giving an idea of the central theme of this period: the warrior, its strength, its ability.

Photogallery – pictures by Andrea Arcà and Angelo Fossati

(11030 views in previous TRACCE PHP-Nuke version, 2002-2011)

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