Tag Archive for Valle delle Meraviglie

Iscrizioni simboliche preistoriche (Navello 1884)


Navello 1884

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Navello S. 1884. Iscrizioni simboliche preistoriche dei laghi delle meraviglie nelle Alpi Marittime, Memoria Navello, pp. 16-21, 2 tavv.
| full text-image PDF (from TRACCE scan-OCR, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: the first Italian detailed paper, presented to the Alpine Club’s congress, “translates” the contents expressed by L. Clugnet as well as re-drawing his plates]

by Serafino NAVELLO (representing the International Alpine Club of Nizza)

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Iscrizioni simboliche, Lago delle Meraviglie (Prato 1884)


1884, CAI logo

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Prato A. F. 1884. Sulle iscrizioni simboliche del Lago delle Meraviglie, Rivista Alpina Italiana, Periodico mensile del Club Alpino Italiano, 9, 30 settembre 1884, pp. 97-98.
| full text-image PDF (from TRACCE scan-OCR, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: in this short paper, published in the Italian Alpine Club review, the author suggests that the Marvels Lakes engravings where made to celebrate hunters with their preys, who died in this area]

by A. Filippo PRATO

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Alpi Marittime. Escursioni ai monti… Bego (Ghigliotti 1884)


1884, CAI logo

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Ghigliotti F. 1884. Alpi Marittime, Escursioni ai monti, Bollettino del Club Alpino Italiano, 1884, pp. 225-261.
| full text-image PDF (from TRACCE scan-OCR, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: here an accurate report of a mountaineering ascent to the Mt. Bego summit, with a visit to the rock engravings and the first mention of the well-known Latin inscription “Hoc qui scripsit…”]

by A. Felice GHIGLIOTTI (member of the Italian Alpine Club)

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I laghi delle Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Celesia 1886)

Fontanalba 1886

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Celesia E., 1886. Escursioni alpine, I. – I laghi delle Meraviglie, II. – Fontanalba, estratto Boll. uff. Min. pubblica istr., fasc. V, maggio 1886, 27 pp., 4 tavv.
| full text-image PDF (TRACCE 2013 re-editing, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: Here the discovery of the Fontanalba area, 68 figures in two plates. The first Italian academic paper on Mt. Bego’s engravings, due to the literatus E. Celesia, who suggests that the engravings were made by the Phoenicians]

by Emanuele CELESIA

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Le rupi scolpite delle Alpi Marittime (Issel 1901)


Fontanalba picture

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Issel A. 1901. Le rupi scolpite nelle alte valli delle Alpi Marittime, Bullettino di paletnologia italiana, s. III, t. VII, a. XXVII, n. 10-12, pp. 218-259.
| full text-image PDF (from TRACCE scan-OCR, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: the most detailed paper until that time on Mt. Bego’s engravings; Issel never recorded the engraved rocks, but attentively examined the literature and was in close and friendly contact with C. Bicknell]

by Arturo ISSEL

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Entre Mont Bego et Val Camonica


Merveilles, le Sorcier

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2011.
Entre Bego et Val Camonica: une clé pour mieux comprendre l’origine de l’art rupestre dans les Alpes, in BEPAA XXII, pp. 71-89.
| full text-image inline PDF | French

La comparaison entre ces deux sites est cruciale pour l’encadrement global de l’art rupestre alpin.

by Andrea Arcà

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Piero Barocelli, a rupestrian archeology pioneer

Piero Barocelli, archaeologist

Piero Barocelli’s work on Mt. Bego Petroglpyphs plays a highly original and markedly pioneering role for the Alpine and European rupestrian archaeology. Full text-image inline PDF available (TRACCE open access papers).

Gli studi di Piero Barocelli sui petroglifi del Monte Bego assumono per l’archeologia rupestre alpina ed europea una posizione fortemente originale e di marcato pionierismo. Disponibile la versione PDF integrale.

by Andrea Arcà

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Sui Sentieri dell’arte rupestre – again available

Copertina – cover

44 escursioni alle più importanti aree incise delle Alpi. Tutti i settori sono rappresentati: dalle Alpi francesi (Bego, Ubaye e Moriana) e italiane (Alpi Occidentali, Valtellina, Valcamonica, Asiago), a quelle svizzere (Vallese e Grigioni) e austriache (Spittal, Golling, Schneid Joch). Un piccolo manuale di archeologia rupestre, che riassume anni di studio e di ricerca. The most complete guide to the Alpine Rock Art

by Andrea Arcà e Angelo Fossati

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