Tag Archive for spirals

The strange case of snow-circles and cup-and-rings


A contemporary land-art performance curiously produces the same patterns engraved on prehistoric petroglyphs. Maybe a relationship with the landscape, real or symbolical, should be considered? Here the voices of Sonja Hinrichsen, the artist, and of Andrea Arcà, the archaeologist. The debate is open.

by Andrea Arcà and Sonja Hinrichsen

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Pietre incise e arte rupestre

Roccia degli Stambecchi

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 1990.
Pietre incise e arte rupestre: un interesse rinnovato. Nuove ricerche e prospettive in Bassa Valle di Susa e Alta Moriana, Segusium, 28, pp. 163-186.

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