Tag Archive for Aosta

Chenal shelter, six thousand years of iconography

Chenal shelter

Chenal shelter

The oldest post-Palaeolithic engravings of the Alps, 5th millennium BC, reveal many contact points with the ancient megalithic art of Brittany. We publish here the complete paper related to the Montjovet-Chenal shelter, Aosta valley; Italian version, with short English abstract and all-sectors tracings. Full text-image searchable flip book (Flash plugin needed). The low-res PDF is also available.

by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello, L. Raiteri

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BEPA, online i primi due numeri



Ha preso avvio la pubblicazione online integrale dei primi tre numeri del BEPA – Bulletin d’Études Préhistoriques Alpines, edito dalla S.Va.P.A. – Société Valdôtaine de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie. Sono disponibili le versioni sfogliabili e “cercabili” dei primi due numeri, scaricabili anche in formato PDF.

by S.Va.P.A

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