Tag Archive for rock art

Orientalizing motives in alpine rock art

Pazyryk horse

TRACCE no. 10 – by † Burchard Brentjes

Orientalizing motives in alpine rock art.
The rich ensemble of rock art in the Valle Camonica comprises several motives for which oriental parallels could be mentioned.
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Sub-Saharan Rock Art

Airé Soroba

TRACCE no. 10 – by Séverine Marchi

In this short notice, we will consider rock art of the most characteristic sites of the western African area, located south of the Sahara, between Senegal and Nigeria. Read more

Aboriginal Rock Art

Cathedral Cave

TRACCE no. 4 – by Chris Kirtley

Aboriginal Rock Art, Carnarvon National Park, Queensland, Australia
Carnarvon Gorge, near the town of Roma (some 400 km west of the Queensland State capital of Brisbane), is something of a shangri-la. Read more