Tag Archive for rock art

The Meraviglie (Moggridge 1869)


1868 drawings

TRACCE free e-books

Moggridge M. 1869. The Meraviglie, in International Congress of prehistoric Archaeology, transactions of the Third Session, London, 359-362, 5 plates.
| full text-image PDF (from Google Books, public domain) | English

[editor’s note: this paper marking the scientific discovery of Mt. Bego’s petroglyphic complex – one of the two Alpine rock art poles – is due to an English botanist, member of the Italian Alpine Club]

by Matthew MOGGRIDGE, F.G.S. (Fellow of the Geological Society of London)

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Gravures sur roches, Lacs des Merveilles (Rivière 1879)


1879 tracings

TRACCE free e-books

Rivière E., 1879. Gravures sur roches des lacs des Merveilles au val d’Enfer (Italie), in Association française pour  l’avancement des sciences, Paris, pp. 783-793, I tav.
| full text-image PDF (from Gallica – BnF,, public domain) | French

[editor’s note: this paper better details the French scientific discovery of Mt. Bego’s petroglyphic complex and it is due to the physician and archaeologist Émile Rivière, devoted to the study of the Palaeolithic]

by Émile RIVIÈRE

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Valcamonica, 2013 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School


Tracing prehistory

Again in 2013, from July 18 to August 8, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.


by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Entre Mont Bego et Val Camonica


Merveilles, le Sorcier

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2011.
Entre Bego et Val Camonica: une clé pour mieux comprendre l’origine de l’art rupestre dans les Alpes, in BEPAA XXII, pp. 71-89.
| full text-image inline PDF | French

La comparaison entre ces deux sites est cruciale pour l’encadrement global de l’art rupestre alpin.

by Andrea Arcà

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Oukaimeden, a Moroccan rock art site


Oukaimeden engraving

Here some slides and draft notes of a lecture I delivered in 2010, after visiting Oukaimeden in April 2007. I’m pleased to share pictures, but also some ideas: comments are welcome. Oukaimeden is a very important petroglyphic complex, showing Copper or Ancient Bronze  Age (III-beginnings of II mill. BC) engraved weapons, and also  interesting points of contact with similar European petroglpyhs, from the Iberian peninsula to the Alpine arc, Mt. Bego particularly. Last but not least, it is also a beautiful natural site...

by Andrea Arcà (Footsteps of Man – IIPP)

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Piero Barocelli, a rupestrian archeology pioneer

Piero Barocelli, archaeologist

Piero Barocelli’s work on Mt. Bego Petroglpyphs plays a highly original and markedly pioneering role for the Alpine and European rupestrian archaeology. Full text-image inline PDF available (TRACCE open access papers).

Gli studi di Piero Barocelli sui petroglifi del Monte Bego assumono per l’archeologia rupestre alpina ed europea una posizione fortemente originale e di marcato pionierismo. Disponibile la versione PDF integrale.

by Andrea Arcà

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Valcamonica&Valtellina, novità dalla ricerca

Copper Age daggers

Valcamonica and Valtellina, news from the research field. April 28 2012, Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica: presentation of the Volume XXII of the Bullettin d’études préhistoriques et archéologiques Alpines.

by Angelo E. FOSSATI


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Valcamonica, 2012 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School

Tracing Valcamonica rock art

Again in 2012 Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. (2013 fieldwork Jul 18-Aug 8)


by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Gavrinis, une approche multiscalaire

Gavrinis art

A multiscale approach: the workflow committed on the Gavrinis island cairn gathers archaeologists and archaeometrists, architects and surveyors, to acquire, handle and share information relative to a passage-tomb built at the beginning of the IVth millennium, one of the most famous of the European monumental heritage.

by S. Cassen, L. Lescop, V. Grimaud, G. Querré, B. Sune

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Valcamonica Archaeology-Rock Art Fieldwork

Tracing Iron age rock art

Researches on the sites: surveys for finding new engraved rocks,  analysis of the damages of the rock surfaces and conservation problem, drawing of the engravings with permanent pens on plastic sheet, photographs ….

by Footsteps of Man

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Sui Sentieri dell’arte rupestre – again available

Copertina – cover

44 escursioni alle più importanti aree incise delle Alpi. Tutti i settori sono rappresentati: dalle Alpi francesi (Bego, Ubaye e Moriana) e italiane (Alpi Occidentali, Valtellina, Valcamonica, Asiago), a quelle svizzere (Vallese e Grigioni) e austriache (Spittal, Golling, Schneid Joch). Un piccolo manuale di archeologia rupestre, che riassume anni di studio e di ricerca. The most complete guide to the Alpine Rock Art

by Andrea Arcà e Angelo Fossati

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Urgent Rock Art Sos – FUMHAM

Serra da Capivara

This is an urgent appeal. Due to a lack of funding, the Fundação Museu do Homem Americano (FUMDHAM), that takes care of the Serra Capivara National Rock Art Park, is in danger of closing. Don’t let this happen, sign the petition.

by Mila Simoes de Abreu (IFRAO – Portugal)

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How do we recognise rock art?

Aboriginal engraving

This paper was stimulated by an on-line discussion with Andrea Arcà (Case example 4: figurative and non-figurative below) about a need for archaeologists to treat figurative and non-figurative rock art differently.

by † John Clegg

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Dating and (up)dating Valcamonica rock art

Valcamonica chronology

Since the beginning the achievement of a correct chronological attribution has represented an important point of any rock art research. But since the beginning any chronological attribution has been subjected to the risk of being questioned, not accepted or simply updated. So rock art dating is often controversial…

by Andrea Arcà

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Dams and Rock Art: a match made in hell

Pracana dam

The impact of dams on the rock art of Portugal was, in the last fifty years, devastating. Six major areas were affected.

by Mila Simões de Abreu

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Bhimbetka cave paintings (India)

Bhimbhetka paintings

I am sending some photographs of pre-historic cave paintings at Bhimbetka,Madhya Pradesh, India (taken by me) which you may like to publish in TRACCE bulletin. I shall be thankful if my name is mentioned as contributor.

by Sarbanidas Roy

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Digital auto-tracing

Pera dij Cros

TRACCE no. 11 – Andrea Arcà

Digital auto-tracing in Rock Art Recording. Applications of computer vectorial design.
In the same way that we need to have a good reproduction of the scenes depicted or embossed in vases, we have the necessity of recognising perfectly all the figures engraved on a rock surface…

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The Swastika Stone

Swastika Stone

TRACCE no. 10 – by Gyrus

The Swastika Stone near Ilkley in West Yorkshire (England).
I would like to present some findings and ideas in relation to the so-called Swastika Stone, located on the moors near Ilkley in West Yorkshire, England.
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