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TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main -> TRACCE FAQs – click here to open

· Can I submit papers to TRACCE?
· Can I post comments?
· What does it mean SECTIONS?
· How can I find a paper in TRACCE?
· How can I increase reads on my paper?
· Can I submit papers to TRACCE?

YES. Click SUBMIT on the upper bar, read instructions and post you content (paper, short news, photo-gallery…). If you’re using WIN+IE you can directly format it online WYSWYG (like in a word processor). If you are a registered user you can submit also pictures. For longer papers (more than 9000 words, also long papers with up to 30-40 pictures can be published) it is possible to send them as attachments via email. Each submission is reviewed by the editors.

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· Can I post comments?

YES. If you are a registered user you cand post your comments to TRACCE papers (not active in sections).

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· What does it mean SECTIONS?

Special section are thematic areas reserved to longer papers or photo-galleries. Due to the longer size, you will read them divided into several pages.

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· How can I find a paper in TRACCE?

On the main page you will find up to 5 story-titles and up to 10 paper-titles in special sections. In both cases they are the most recent. Oldest articles are stored into the ARCHIVE (upper bar) or into the index of each special SECTION (upper bar). You can select a particular topic from the upper pull-down menu. If you want to perform a query use the SEARCH option (always in the upper bar) and write your keyword/s. You can perform your search in stories, comments or sections. To search into old TRACCE issues use the appropiate module.

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· How can I increase reads on my paper?

You can add a link to your paper (and to TRACCE also…) in one or more of your pages. Simply point the mouse over the title, click right, copy the link, then paste this link into your page/s. This method is good also for citing your paper in references.

How to cite:
Author (surname + first name letter pointed), year, title (italics), TRACCE online Rock Art Bulletin (no italic, no brackets), <online + link>
– CLEGG J., 2003 How do we recognise rock art?, TRACCE online Rock Art Bulletin,

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