Tag Archive for Valcamonica

Valcamonica&Valtellina, novità dalla ricerca

Copper Age daggers

Valcamonica and Valtellina, news from the research field. April 28 2012, Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica: presentation of the Volume XXII of the Bullettin d’études préhistoriques et archéologiques Alpines.

by Angelo E. FOSSATI


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2012: archeologia rupestre a Paspardo, Valcamonica

Valcamonica, rilievo di arte rupestre

Anche per il 2012 la campagna estiva di archeologia rupestre sarà organizzata a Paspardo, Valcamonica. E’ un’area che offre grandi opportunità ad archeologi, studiosi, studenti ed appassionati della materia. I partecipanti apprenderanno a ricercare, pulire, fotografare, rilevare e catalogare le incisioni rupestri. ATTENZIONE: campo 2013 dal 18 luglio al 8 agosto.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Valcamonica, 2012 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School

Tracing Valcamonica rock art

Again in 2012 Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. (2013 fieldwork Jul 18-Aug 8)


by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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“Praying figures” in Valcamonica rock art

In Valle r. 4

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2001.
Chronology and interpretation of the “Praying figures” in Valcamonica rock-art. In: Archeologia e arte rupestre: l’Europa – le Alpi – la Valcamonica, secondo convegno internazionale di archeologia rupestre. Atti del Convegno di studi, 2-5 ottobre 1997, Darfo Boario terme, Milano, 2001, pp. 185-198

| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | English, Italian
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Valcamonica Archaeology-Rock Art Fieldwork

Tracing Iron age rock art

Researches on the sites: surveys for finding new engraved rocks,  analysis of the damages of the rock surfaces and conservation problem, drawing of the engravings with permanent pens on plastic sheet, photographs ….

by Footsteps of Man

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Sui Sentieri dell’arte rupestre – again available

Copertina – cover

44 escursioni alle più importanti aree incise delle Alpi. Tutti i settori sono rappresentati: dalle Alpi francesi (Bego, Ubaye e Moriana) e italiane (Alpi Occidentali, Valtellina, Valcamonica, Asiago), a quelle svizzere (Vallese e Grigioni) e austriache (Spittal, Golling, Schneid Joch). Un piccolo manuale di archeologia rupestre, che riassume anni di studio e di ricerca. The most complete guide to the Alpine Rock Art

by Andrea Arcà e Angelo Fossati

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Dating and (up)dating Valcamonica rock art

Valcamonica chronology

Since the beginning the achievement of a correct chronological attribution has represented an important point of any rock art research. But since the beginning any chronological attribution has been subjected to the risk of being questioned, not accepted or simply updated. So rock art dating is often controversial…

by Andrea Arcà

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Sui Sentieri dell’Arte Rupestre

Naquane roccia 1

TRACCE no. 10 – by Andrea Arcà

Sui Sentieri dell’Arte Rupestre. Laboratorio didattico per scuole elementari e medie.
Il laboratorio “Sui Sentieri dell’Arte Rupestre” si prefigge due scopi principali: avvicinare i bambini e i ragazzi alla preistoria; educare all’immagine tramite lo studio dell’iconografia rupestre.
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Orientalizing motives in alpine rock art

Pazyryk horse

TRACCE no. 10 – by † Burchard Brentjes

Orientalizing motives in alpine rock art.
The rich ensemble of rock art in the Valle Camonica comprises several motives for which oriental parallels could be mentioned.
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