Archive for Landscape

Why Selecting Mollebaya Chico ?

This paper again demonstrates that in the area of the Majes Rock Art Style (Arequipa; southern Peru) many sites are firmly and ritually connected with at least one of the Sacred Mountains (the Apus) of the area. Those volcanoes play an important role in selecting spots for rock art production. Mollebaya Chico is one of those sites.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Rock Art of La Caldera, Southern Peru

This paper again demonstrates that in the area of the Majes Rock Art Style (Arequipa; southern Peru) many sites are firmly and ritually connected with at least one of the Sacred Mountains (the Apus) of the area. Those volcanoes play an important role in selecting spots for rock art production. La Caldera is one of those sites.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Petroglifos en Yarabamba, Perú: ¿Aplacandos los Apus?

El tema principal de este artículo es la relación entre ciertos petroglifos en el Valle de Yarabamba, sur de Perú, y el volcán El Misti. Para explicar esta relación se discutirán dos tipos de petroglifos en el sitio de Alto de San Antonio en el Valle de Yarabamba.

The main subject of this article is the relationship between certain petroglyphs in the Yarabamba Valley, southern Peru, and the volcano Misti. In order to explain this relationship I will discuss two types of images that are found at the rock art site of Alto de San Antonio in the Yarabamba Valley.

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L’arte rupestre di Böyük Daş in Gobustan, Azerbaijan

Böyük Daş

Böyük Daş

The Böyük Daş mountain is one of the three promontories included in the Natural Historical Artistic Reserve of Gobustan. With its terraced profile and big boulders scattered around the different terraces, it preserves thousands of engravings with a very long chronology. Its rock art includes several figurative categories: zoomorph, anthropomorph, boat, symbol. Here is presented a brief guide to visit the Böyük Daş hill, in Gobustan Rock Art Reserve.

Il monte di Böyük Daş è uno dei tre promontori inclusi nella Riserva Naturale Storico-Artistica di Gobustan, Con il uso profilo terrazzato e una serie di grossi massi sparsi lungo le sue terrazze, conserva migliaia di figure incise di cronologia molto ampia e appartenenti a varie categorie figurative: zoomorfi, antropomorfi, imbarcazioni, simboli. Ecco una breve guida per visitare l’area di Böyük Daş, all’interno della Riserva di Arte Rupestre di Gobustan.

by Dario SIGARI [i]

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Usseglio, Alpine cults, archaeology and rock art

Ròch dij Gieugh

Ròch dij Gieugh

[Usseglio: culti in ambiente alpino, archeologia e arte rupestre]. A new exhibition room dedicated to the cults of the Alps has recently enriched the Civic Alpine Museum Arnaldo Tazzetti of Usseglio. A part of the room is devoted to the monumental Ròch dij Gieugh, an engraved stone situated on the slopes of the Usseglio mountains. The interest in this rock is given by the great number of shoeprints connected to a complex network of cup-marks and grooves. New important discoveries emerged during the recent tracing: three figures of Iron Age warriors and a possible votive inscription to Juppiter, the first found in the Alps on a cup-marked rock [ENG-ITA].

by Andrea ARCÀ and Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

Topografiche: culture e colture, potere e poderi…

Fontanalba (Mt. Bego)

Topographic engravings: cultivations and cultures, power and holdings: the topographic engravings must be registered in the history of the topography as the oldest zenithal representations of the western and middle-eastern world. Regarding the agriculture history they testify the development of the cultivation techniques, from the hoe to the plough… Abstract of the communication presented at the International Conference Stone Maps, June 2012, Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica – I)

by A. Arcà

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Mappe di Pietra – Stone Maps

Stone Maps

Convegno Internazionale, 14-15-16 Giugno 2012, Capo di Ponte, Cittàdella Cultura (BS, Valcamonica – I).

International Conference, 14th-16th June 2012, Capo di Ponte, Cittàdella Cultura (Valcamonica – I).

by Alberto Marretta, Craig Alexander, Angelo Martinotti

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Paspardo: le raffigurazioni topografiche

Costapeta, sect. E

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2007.
Le raffigurazioni topografiche, colture e culture preistoriche nella prima fase dell’arte rupestre di Paspardo, In: FOSSATI A. E. (a cura di), La Castagna della Vallecamonica. Paspardo, arte rupestre e castanicoltura, Atti del Convegno interdisciplinare, Paspardo 6-7-8 ottobre 2006, Paspardo, pp. 35-56. Bibliografia a cura di Oriana Bozzarelli.
| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | Italian

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