Archive for Valcamonica – Valtellina

“Praying figures”, chronology and interpretation

Rupe Magna

TRACCE no. 9 – by Andrea Arcà

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Chronology and interpretation of the “praying figures” in Valcamonica Rock Art.
The so-called “praying figures” (“
oranti“) have been placed at base of the Camunnian Rock Art styles I and II…

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Axes on Valcamonica and Valtellina stelae

Ossimo 9

TRACCE no. 9 – by Stefania Casini

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Figures of axes on Valcamonica and Valtellina stelae (style IIIA).
In 1994 to realise the exhibition
Le pietre degli dei we re-examined all the existing documentation about the monumental compositions of camunian style III A.

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The “Camunian Rose” in Valcamonica rock art

Camunnian roses

TRACCE no. 9 – by Paola Farina

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
The motif of the “Camunian Rose” in the rock art of Valcamonica.
Compiling a complete corpus of all the “camunian roses” known in Valcamonica, we found 84 “roses” engraved on 27 rocks.

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A Copper Age ceremonial site in Val Camonica

Ossimo 4

TRACCE no. 9 – by F. G. Fedele

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
A Copper Age ceremonial site in Val Camonica: excavations at Ossimo OS4, 1996-97.
An account is given of the results from the latest excavations (1996-97) at the statue-menhir Copper Age site of Ossimo-L’Anvòia (OS4) on the Ossimo-Borno Plateau, in lower Val Camonica.

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Paspardo, Valcamonica. Ricerche 1990-97


TRACCE no. 9 – by A. Arcà, A.Fossati, E. Marchi, E. Tognoni

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Vite-Deria, Paspardo, Valcamonica. Ricerche 1990-97.
La località Vite-Deria è situata a circa 700-800 m s.l.m. nel territorio comunale di Paspardo, sul versante orografico sinistro nella Media Vallecamonica…

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L’arte rupestre di Campanine (Valcamonica)


TRACCE no. 9 – by Umberto Sansoni, Silvana Gavaldo

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
L’arte rupestre di Campanine di Cimbergo (Valcamonica) alla luce delle nuove scoperte: presentazione preliminare dell’area (ricerche dal 1990 al 1997).
L’area di Campanine di Cimbergo e la contigua area di Figna, sono state oggetto di studio da parte del ns
. Dipartimento a partire dal 1990.

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Nuovi siti con incisioni rupestri in Valle Camonica

Pian Camuno

TRACCE no. 9 – by Ausilio Priuli

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Nuovi siti con incisioni rupestri in Valle Camonica.
Questi ultimi decenni hanno arricchito il patrimonio paleoiconografico di territori, quali quello di Borno-Ossimo e Pian Cogno.

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Valcamonica, architectural representations

Iron age dwellings

TRACCE no. 9 – by Emanuela Tognoni

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
The architectural representations in the rock art of Valcamonica.
The architectural figures engraved on the rocks of Valcamonica present structures of Iron Age (8th-1st cent. BC) and they can be interpreted as houses, temples or granaries.

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The map of Bedolina, Valcamonica Rock Art

Bedolina 1

TRACCE no. 9 – by Cristina Turconi

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
The map of Bedolina in the context of the Rock Art of Valcamonica.
The work has consisted of taking tracing of the engravings, followed by a chronological analysis of the figures, based on the study of the superimposed images.

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Discovery of rock paintings in Val Camonica

Rock paintings

TRACCE no. 9 – by Angelo Fossati

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Discovery of rock paintings in Val Camonica.
During a survey in the summer 1992, a team of the Le Orme dell’Uomo directed by Angelo Fossati discovered a rock painting in the area called “Le Scale di Paspardo”.

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Valcamonica, analisi delle tecniche di incisione

TRACCE no. 9 – by Ausilio Priuli

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Lo studio delle incisioni rupestri non può prescindere dalla conoscenza delle tecniche adottate per produrle, dal momento che le stesse sono state il mezzo che ha permesso la loro materializzazione.

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Funny petroglyphs II

La Bosca

TRACCE no. 8 – by Angelo Fossati, Elena Marchi

The prehistoric man had some times a very good sense of humor. He left us some funny images: men, women and animals in “strange” positions or with different objects… Read more

The Salomon’s knot

Salomon’s knot

TRACCE no. 8 – by Umberto Sansoni

We are developing a research on the symbol of the “Salomon’s knot”, checked since I-IV Century AD… Read more

Funny petroglyphs

Uncle frog

TRACCE no. 7 – by Angelo Fossati – Elena Marchi

The prehistoric man had some times a very good sense of humor. He left us some funny images: men, women and animals in “strange” positions or with different objects… Read more

The “Camunnian Rose”, Valcamonica Rock Art

A “Camunnian rose”

TRACCE no. 7 – by Paola Farina

The motif of the “Camunnian Rose” in the Rock Art of Valcamonica (Italy). Part *. The shape of the so-called “camunian rose”, engraved on several rocks of Val Camonica, consists of a sinuous quadrilobate groove, winding around 9 cup-marks, whose disposition is fixed and is a recurring model; today this pattern is well-known, also because lately it has become the symbol of Lombardia. Read more

Scratched horses in a relief

Iron age rider

Iron age rider

TRACCE no. 7 – by Elena Marchi

Scratched horses in a relief from Cividate Camuno – Valcamonica (Italy). The Camunnian rock art of the Iron Age is characterised, besides thousands of hammered engravings of warriors, hunters, animals, scenes of ploughing, of breeding, figures of houses, engraved with a careful and naturalistic style, also by engravings of inscriptions and alphabet in the so called Camunnian alphabet. Read more

Jack Belmondo – in memoriam

Alpine granary

TRACCE no. 7 – by Footsteps of Man

Jack Belmondo (Giuseppe Belfiore Mondoni).
Jack Belmondo (stage name of Giuseppe Belfiore Mondoni) has been considered one of the most important experimental archaeologists in Italy and probably in Europe
. Read more

“Topographic” Engravings (Alpine arc) part ****

Paspardo, VIT20

TRACCE no. 6 – by Andrea Arcà

The Settled Ground in the “Topographic” Engravings
of the Alpine Arc

* Part 4 *
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