Archive for Valcamonica – Valtellina

Paspardo: le raffigurazioni topografiche

Costapeta, sect. E

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2007.
Le raffigurazioni topografiche, colture e culture preistoriche nella prima fase dell’arte rupestre di Paspardo, In: FOSSATI A. E. (a cura di), La Castagna della Vallecamonica. Paspardo, arte rupestre e castanicoltura, Atti del Convegno interdisciplinare, Paspardo 6-7-8 ottobre 2006, Paspardo, pp. 35-56. Bibliografia a cura di Oriana Bozzarelli.
| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | Italian

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The rock art tradition of Valcamonica-Valtelllina


Borno 4

TRACCE open access papers

Fossati Angelo Eugenio, 2007.
The rock art tradition of Valcamonica-Valtellina, Northern Italy: a world heritage view, in 2007, in Nash G. et al. (ed.), Landscape enquiries, the proceedings of the Clifton Antiquarian Club, volume 8, pp. 139-155.
| full text-image inline PDF | English

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Following Arianna’s Thread Symbolic Figures

Ossimo 9, Sun God

TRACCE open access papers

Fossati Angelo Eugenio, 2007.
Following Arianna’s Thread Symbolic Figures at Female Rock Art Sites at Naquane and In Valle, Valcamonica, Italy, in Nash G., Children G., 2008 (ed.), The Archaeology of Semiotics and the Social Order of Things, BAR International Series 1833, pp. 31-44.
| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | English

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Valcamonica-Valtellina: the state of research

La Bolp, Paspardo

The rupestrian tradition of Valcamonica-Valtellina consists of more then two hundred thousands engraved figures and a dozen paintings. At present, the rock art is distributed across four fundamental periods from the Neolithic to the arrival of the Romans …

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Valcamonica Archaeology-Rock Art Fieldwork

Tracing Iron age rock art

Researches on the sites: surveys for finding new engraved rocks,  analysis of the damages of the rock surfaces and conservation problem, drawing of the engravings with permanent pens on plastic sheet, photographs ….

by Footsteps of Man

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Sui Sentieri dell’arte rupestre – again available

Copertina – cover

44 escursioni alle più importanti aree incise delle Alpi. Tutti i settori sono rappresentati: dalle Alpi francesi (Bego, Ubaye e Moriana) e italiane (Alpi Occidentali, Valtellina, Valcamonica, Asiago), a quelle svizzere (Vallese e Grigioni) e austriache (Spittal, Golling, Schneid Joch). Un piccolo manuale di archeologia rupestre, che riassume anni di studio e di ricerca. The most complete guide to the Alpine Rock Art

by Andrea Arcà e Angelo Fossati

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La castagna della Vallecamonica

Book cover - copertina

Il volume ospita gli atti del convegno interdisciplinare tenutosi a Paspardo (BS – I) dal 6 all’8 ottobre 2006, dal titolo La castagna della Vallecamonica, dalla valorizzazione delle colture allo sviluppo della cultura.

by Angelo E. Fossati

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La Spada sulla Roccia – a new rock art book

Spada sulla Roccia, cover

Archaeological and ethnographic book focussed on the relation between rock art and sword traditional dances of the Susa and Cenischia valleys (Italy, TO).
31 pagine da sfogliare in anteprima online. Altre pagine di esempio sono disponibili in PDF. You can browse 31 pages of web preview and many PDF samples.

by Andrea ARCÀ

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Valcamonica, vandalismo!

Foppe di Nadro 6

Rock 6 of Nadro Park heavily defaced, please sign the appeal for a better care in Valcamonica rock art protection. Sfregiate rocce a Nadro, uno dei principali parchi di arte rupestre della Valcamonica, un invito a firmare l’appello per una migliore protezione.

by Anna Maria Basché

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Warriors and duels in Valcamonica rock art

Iron age duel

Iron Age figures represent 80% of Valcamonica rock art, hundreds of thousands of figures finely pecked on richest european archives of open-air rock art. Here only a little excerpt of warriors and duels.

by Andrea Arcà

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Dating and (up)dating Valcamonica rock art

Valcamonica chronology

Since the beginning the achievement of a correct chronological attribution has represented an important point of any rock art research. But since the beginning any chronological attribution has been subjected to the risk of being questioned, not accepted or simply updated. So rock art dating is often controversial…

by Andrea Arcà

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Analisi probabilistica delle “Rose” di Sellero

La rosa di Carpene a Sellero in Valcamonica è formata da due linee di 5 coppelle ciascuna allineate lungo la direzione Nord-Sud ed Est-Ovest. La linea nord-sud è racchiudibile in un inviluppo rettangolare minimo pari con dimensioni A=60 cm e B=5 cm. Il rapporto B/A vale 0.083 che conduce ad una “fuzziness” pari a 4.8 gradi.

by Adriano Gaspani

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Valcamonica Fieldwork 2000

Valcamonica, Iron age

TRACCE no. 12 – by Footsteps of Man Archaeological Society

Paspardo, 1-14 August 2000.
This year, like in the last ten years, Footsteps of Man (Valcamonica-Italy), organizes the archaeology fieldwork. The project consists of searching, drawing and cataloguing engraved rocks.

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Paspardo, due nuove rocce istoriate

Iron age panoplia

TRACCE no. 12 – by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo FOSSATI, Elena MARCHI

Due nuove rocce istoriate in località Vite, area di Vite-Deria, Paspardo (Valcamonica, BS).
Durante le ricerche del 1997 sono state rinvenute sei nuove rocce istoriate: due raggiungono grandi dimensioni e vanno segnalate per pregio stilistico ed importanza tematica.

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Paspardo, two recently discovered rocks

Iron Age panolia

TRACCE no. 12 – by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo FOSSATI, Elena MARCHI

Two recently discovered rocks at Vite, Vite-Deria area, Paspardo (Valcamonica, BS).
During the researches of 1997 six new rocks engraved have been put in light: two of them have very big dimensions and we want to point out these surfaces for the particular styles and few important themes present.

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Le Vie del Ferro, Iron Ways, Les Routes du Fer

Working the iron

TRACCE no. 12 – by Don Sina Middle School (Esine, Valcamonica)

We are the pupils of 2nd B and C from the State Middle School “Don Sina” in Esine (Brescia). Under the guide of our teachers and the archaeologists of Footsteps of Man, we have gone a didactic itinerary entitled “Iron ways”.

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Arte Rupestre e Didattica

Didattica a Naquane

TRACCE no. 12 – by Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo FOSSATI, Elena MARCHI

Poster presentato al 3° Convegno Archeologico Regionale – Como, Ottobre 1999.
La Cooperativa Archeologica “Le Orme dell’Uomo” opera, oltre che nel campo della ricerca, anche nel settore della didattica.

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Drawings from the summer ’99 fieldwork


TRACCE no. 12 – by Federico Capellaro

Drawings from the summer ’99 Valcamonica fieldwork.
Aarchaeological findings, Rock Art and interpretation, a participant portrait, the TRACCE editor, Coke Age figures, the Ancestor…

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