Archive for Valcamonica – Valtellina

Valcamonica Rock Art Fieldwork 2020

The Footsteps of Man Archaeological Cooperative Society is based in Valcamonica, an Alpine valley in Northern Italy, where rock art constitutes an archaeological, artistic, ethnographic and historical patrimony of inestimable value (UNESCO World Heritage List). In collaboration with the Catholic University of Brescia, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual Valcamonica Rock Art & Archaeology Field School in Paspardo, one of the principal area where engravings are concentrated. The project participants will learn how
to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings at sites around Paspardo. During the field season, visits to the major rock art parks and museums in Valcamonica will be organized.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Naquane, festa dei musei


Sabato 20 maggio 2017 alle ore 15 presso il parco Nazionale delle Incisioni Rupestri di Naquane a Capo di Ponte (BS) Navigando sulla grande Roccia, presentazione del tour virtuale della Roccia 1 del Parco di Naquane; dalle 20 alle 23 apertura straordinaria del parco con visita notturna delle rocce incise

by TRACCE editor

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Learn rock art: Valcamonica fieldwork 2017

Rock Art recording

Tracing prehistory: from July 20 to August 10 2017 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. We are working on engraved rocks made by prehistoric and protohistoric people during the Neolithic (six thousand years ago), Bronze Age and Iron Age (from four thousand to two thousand years ago).This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Valcamonica, fieldwork and lectures summer 2016

3D scan

3D scan

Dear Valcamonica Fieldwork & Fieldschool Participants, Collaborators and Friends! The field project is formally scheduled from Thursday afternoon July 21st through Thursday morning  August 11th 2016 The fieldwork volunteers are coming from Azerbaijan, China, France, Italy, USA, Switzerland, UK, plus crew and lecturers (from Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, USA) permanent members.
Caro partecipante (collaboratore ed amico) della Campagna estiva di archeologia rupestre in Valcamonica! La campagna è formalmente prevista tra il giovedì pomeriggio del 21 luglio fino al giovedì mattina dell’11 agosto 2016.
I partecipanti al campo provengono da Azerbaijan, China, France, Italy, USA, Switzerland e UK, oltre ai membri dello staff e conferenzieri (da Australia, Germania, Francia, Italia, Portogallo, USA).
Welcome to Paspardo 2016 Project! Benvenuti al Progetto Paspardo 2016!

by Footsteps of Man

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Valcamonica, fieldwork 2016

roseduel150Tracing prehistory: from July 21 to August 11 2016 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Seradina 12, Valcamonica, 83 years of research

Seradina R12 deer

Seradina R12 deer

Covering more than 200 square metres, Rock 12 is the largest engraved rock of the Seradina area; it is included in the Seradina-Bedolina Archaeological Municipal Park. Its beautiful and richly engraved surface has been known since the first discovery of the greatest part of the Valcamonica rock art (1932). In the 1980s the rock was traced and studied under the direction of Mila Simões de Abreu, during which time the tracing was completed. Seradina 12 hosts some very rare iconographic items; among them, we can notice six Iron Age horse-driven ploughing scenes. Two of them are accompanied by sexual scenes, the action meaningfully performed while the ground is being hoed.

by M.Simões de ABREU and A.E. FOSSATI

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Great Rock of Naquane, digital practices

Naquane vector

Naquane vector

[CAA 2015 – session 3C abstract]

Like archaeology in general, rock art studies need to record, study and share data: a large set of electronic instruments – for graphics and for the data analysis – are to be intended as a fundamental tool box for the careful and up-to-date rock art archaeologist…

by Andrea ARCÀ

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Valcamonica, Rock Art Fieldwork 2015

Tracing prehistory

Tracing prehistory

Tracing prehistory: from July 16 to August 6 2015 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Valcamonica, Museo Nazionale della Preistoria

Mupre_logo150Sabato 10 maggio 2014 inaugurazione del MUPRE – Museo Nazionale della Preistoria a Capo di Ponte, che integra la musealizzazione del patrimonio iconografico della Valcamonica con quella dei contesti e dei reperti archeologici. Saturday, May 10, 2014 inauguration of MUPRE – National Museum of Prehistory in Capo di Ponte, which integrates the exhibit of the Valcamonica iconographic heritage with the archaeological contexts and findings


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Valcamonica, 2014 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School


Tracing prehistory

Again in 2014, from July 17 to August 7, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Taurini Celtic tribe meets Roman Legion at Turin


Taurini Celtic warriors

Turin, June 22 2013: Taurini celtic people, the inhabitants of the area of Turin during the Iron Age, and the Legio Prima Italica of the Roman Army meet for an historical re-enactment. This is occasion to show some alpine rock art images of the weapons and of the warriors of this period (short notes and photo-gallery).

by Andrea Arcà (Footsteps of Man)

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Valcamonica, 2013 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School


Tracing prehistory

Again in 2013, from July 18 to August 8, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.


by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Topografiche: culture e colture, potere e poderi…

Fontanalba (Mt. Bego)

Topographic engravings: cultivations and cultures, power and holdings: the topographic engravings must be registered in the history of the topography as the oldest zenithal representations of the western and middle-eastern world. Regarding the agriculture history they testify the development of the cultivation techniques, from the hoe to the plough… Abstract of the communication presented at the International Conference Stone Maps, June 2012, Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica – I)

by A. Arcà

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Valcamonica&Valtellina, novità dalla ricerca

Copper Age daggers

Valcamonica and Valtellina, news from the research field. April 28 2012, Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica: presentation of the Volume XXII of the Bullettin d’études préhistoriques et archéologiques Alpines.

by Angelo E. FOSSATI


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2012: archeologia rupestre a Paspardo, Valcamonica

Valcamonica, rilievo di arte rupestre

Anche per il 2012 la campagna estiva di archeologia rupestre sarà organizzata a Paspardo, Valcamonica. E’ un’area che offre grandi opportunità ad archeologi, studiosi, studenti ed appassionati della materia. I partecipanti apprenderanno a ricercare, pulire, fotografare, rilevare e catalogare le incisioni rupestri. ATTENZIONE: campo 2013 dal 18 luglio al 8 agosto.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Valcamonica, 2012 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School

Tracing Valcamonica rock art

Again in 2012 Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. (2013 fieldwork Jul 18-Aug 8)


by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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“Praying figures” in Valcamonica rock art

In Valle r. 4

TRACCE open access papers

Arcà Andrea, 2001.
Chronology and interpretation of the “Praying figures” in Valcamonica rock-art. In: Archeologia e arte rupestre: l’Europa – le Alpi – la Valcamonica, secondo convegno internazionale di archeologia rupestre. Atti del Convegno di studi, 2-5 ottobre 1997, Darfo Boario terme, Milano, 2001, pp. 185-198

| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | English, Italian
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Statue stele del gruppo Valcamonica-Valtellina

Cemmo 3

TRACCE open access papers

Fossati Angelo Eugenio, 2007.
Morfologia, litotipi e funzioni delle statue stele del gruppo Valcamonica-Valtellina, Bulletin d’études préhistoriques et archéologiques alpines, XVIII, Aoste, pp. 77-84.
| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | Italian

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