Archive for TRACCE Onl. RA Bull. 7

The Folk Culture Museum* at Bhimtal

Folk painting

TRACCE no. 7 – by Lok Sanskriti Sangrahalaya

The Folk Culture Museum* at Bhimtal Uttar Pradesh (India)
The Museum of Folk Culture (Lok Sanskriti Sangrahalaya) is situated at Bhimtal, a village 280 km to the north-east of Delhi (Nainital district of Kumaon hills), in the lap of the Himalayas, north of the Uttar Pradesh State in India.
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The petroglyphs of Santinho Beach

Santinho beach

TRACCE no. 7 – by Rodrigo Aguiar

The petroglyphs of Santinho Beach S.ta Catarina Island (Brasil)
Santinho beach, situated in S.ta Catarina Island, 40 Km far from Florianópolis town, shows three rock art sites, engraved on its rock walls. The coast is a good place for fishing and shell collecting.
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