Archive for Footprints

Rock Art at Punta Colorada, Majes, Peru

The paper proves that even “minor” rock art sites can be most interesting, especially when placing such a “minor” site in a larger local and regional context. Punta Colorada is such an important “minor” site as it may well connect (graphically, literally and metaphorically) two most important “major” rock art sites in the valley. Additionally, the site of Punta Colorada also seems to establish the spiritual link between certain rock art icons and Apu Coropuna, the Sacred Mountain of southern Peru.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Coppelle, per Giove! Visita virtuale al Ròch dij Gieugh

Roccia dei Giochi

Roccia dei Giochi,
modello 3D

La Roccia dei Giochi (ël Ròch dij Gieugh in piemontese, lou Ròc dyi Joe in franco-provenzale) della frazione Andriera di Usseglio (Valle di Viù – TO) è una roccia a coppelle a 1670 m di quota che ospita numerose impronte di piede e tre figure di guerrieri protostorici. Allo stato delle conoscenze, è l’UNICA ROCCIA a COPPELLE delle ALPI con ISCRIZIONE DEDICATORIA a GIOVE.
Molti elementi concorrono a comprovare la sua natura di masso monumentale e sito cerimoniale dell’età del Ferro; vi venivano probabilmente depositate offerte votive quali pozioni o bevande. Considerandone la pronuncia, il suo nome ne può nascondere uno più antico… forse la Roccia di Giove?
Approfondisci l’argomento e immergiti nella VISITA VIRTUALE panoramica a 360°…

by A. Arcà, A.E. Fossati, F. Rubat Borel

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Usseglio, Alpine cults, archaeology and rock art

Ròch dij Gieugh

Ròch dij Gieugh

[Usseglio: culti in ambiente alpino, archeologia e arte rupestre]. A new exhibition room dedicated to the cults of the Alps has recently enriched the Civic Alpine Museum Arnaldo Tazzetti of Usseglio. A part of the room is devoted to the monumental Ròch dij Gieugh, an engraved stone situated on the slopes of the Usseglio mountains. The interest in this rock is given by the great number of shoeprints connected to a complex network of cup-marks and grooves. New important discoveries emerged during the recent tracing: three figures of Iron Age warriors and a possible votive inscription to Juppiter, the first found in the Alps on a cup-marked rock [ENG-ITA].

by Andrea ARCÀ and Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

Footprints in the Alps – pediformi nelle Alpi



Footprints in the Alpine rock art: diffusion, chronology and interpretation. Abstract and slides of the communication presented on Tuesday 1 September 2015 at the IFRAO 2015 – XIX International Rock Art Conference (Cáceres, Spain). The communication provides a detailed description of the most important cases of alpine rocks bearing footprints, a chronological frame for the corresponding engraving phases, and a discussion about suggested interpretations.
Le impronte di piede nell’arte rupestre Alpina: diffusione, cronologia e interpretazione (abstract in Italiano)

by Andrea Arcà

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Podomorfos, footprints, pediformi, pédiformes


Maurienne: Pisselerand,
Pierre aux Pieds

Here is integrally reported a long FB photographic thread started by Ángel L. Mayoral Castillo on June 2011. It is completely devoted to footprints; no matter about their chronological or geographical origin. You may intend it as a little bit casual, or, better, serendipitous, like some (few? many?) FB posts. Anyway it seems useful to share it, to get some starting points: an intriguing subject, surely not a secondary one concerning some aspects of rock art interpretation.

by FB thread (A.L.M.C.)

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