Archive for TRACCE Onl. RA Bull. 31

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 31 – Mar 2014



# 31 – Mar 2014

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 31

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

31: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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Prehistory popularisation: a de profundis?


Cave art

Two recently published  archaeology books, mainly or partially concerning cave art, show a set of inaccuracies which doesn’t seem acceptable, not only for a specialised scientific level, but also for an educational one. The lack of a review process performed by professional archaeologists demonstrates the weakness in Italy, and not only, of the archaeologist profession, particularly in the prehistoric and rock art fields.

by R.C. de Marinis

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La scoperta del riparo di Morricone del Pesco


Morricone del Pesco

Recenti ricerche condotte dalla Cattedra di Paleoantropologia dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara hanno portato, nella primavera del 2011, all’individuazione nella regione Molise di un riparo sotto roccia con incisioni a linea continua e pitture rupestri, tutte di colore nero, che hanno permesso di stabilire un confronto crono-culturale con l’Abruzzo e il Gargano pre-protostorici

by Dario Sigari

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Valcamonica, 2014 Rock Art Fieldwork & Field School


Tracing prehistory

Again in 2014, from July 17 to August 7, Footsteps of Man organizes its annual archaeology field school at Paspardo. This area gives a great opportunity to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. The project participants will learn to survey, clean, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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The Motocachy Pampa Disaster, Peru

Figure 011a

Motocachy Pampa

The UNESCO’s World Heritage List now registers almost a thousand properties. Only two percent of the World Heritage List comprises rock art sites. Regrettably 44 of those properties are in danger, which proves that being on the World Heritage List is not a guarantee that nothing will endanger the site. I will focus the discussion mainly on rock art sites in the deserts of western Peru.

by Maarten van Hoek –

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Elephas antiquus depicted at Vermelhosa rock art?



Among the Vermelhosa Palaeolithic scratched figures, an elephant head stands out. Eighteen years after its publication, it’s time to recall the attention of Palaeolithic rock art scholars over this case: having been the Iberian peninsula the last European refuge of the straight-tusked elephant, are we facing an Elephas antiquus depiction? (PDF available)


by Andrea Arcà

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Palaeolithic rock engravings at Vermelhosa



SIMÕES DE ABREU M., ARCÀ A., FOSSATI F., JAFFE L., 1998. Palaeolithic rock engravings at Vermelhosa, Côa valley archaeological park, Portugal, in  UISPP – International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Proceedings of the XIII Congress, Volume 3, Forlì
| full text-image PDF | English.

by Mila SIMÕES DE ABREU, Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo FOSSATI, Ludwig JAFFE

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BEPA, online i primi due numeri



Ha preso avvio la pubblicazione online integrale dei primi tre numeri del BEPA – Bulletin d’Études Préhistoriques Alpines, edito dalla S.Va.P.A. – Société Valdôtaine de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie. Sono disponibili le versioni sfogliabili e “cercabili” dei primi due numeri, scaricabili anche in formato PDF.

by S.Va.P.A

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Testimonianze megalitiche presso lo Sparossino

spaross150Gli Autori, in seguito a recenti sopralluoghi sul crinale montuoso che, da Nord a Sud, separa la Val Pora (ad Est) e la Val Maremola (ad Ovest), hanno potuto osservare la presenza di strutture litiche che potrebbero rivelarsi di grande interesse archeologico ed archeoastronomico.

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini, C. Pirondini, C. Villa

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