Archive for Rock art SOS

The Man of Bicorp

Spain pictograph

TRACCE no. 10 – by Giacomo Omallini

The Man of Bicorp in danger (Cueva de la Arana, Spain).
This rock painting discovered in 1921, in the cave of the Spider(Cueva de la Arana), in the province of Valencia, in Spain, dating back to the end of Palaeolithic, is the most beatiful ‘apiarian’ painting discovered till now.
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Pakistani Petroglyphs

Chilas Buddha

TRACCE no. 7 – by editor

An online abstract of an Archaeology (Official Publication of the Archaeological Institute of America) article, January/February 1997, and some recent messages in the Rock Art Mail List pointed the attention over the petroglyps in Pakistan and a new dam building. Read more

Save Petroglyph National Monument

Paseo the Road to Nowhere

TRACCE no. 7 – by Friends of the Albuquerque Petroglyphs

Save Petroglyph National Monument (Albuquerque – New Mexico – USA).
Sen. Pete Domenici (R-NM) and Congressmen Steve Schiff (R-NM) and Joe Skeen (R-NM) have announced they will introduce legislation to allow Paseo del Norte, a six-lane freeway-type road, to be built through Petroglyph National Monument.
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From the Dam to the Park

As gravuras nao sabem nadar

TRACCE no. 5 – by M.S. Abreu, A. Arcà, A. Fossati, L. Jaffe

The Movement to save Côa Valley engraved rocks was started and led by Mila Simões De Abreu and Ludwig Jaffe, and internationally sustained by many Archaeological scholars, Institutions and Universities (Universidad de Alcalà de Henares, Institut of Archaeology London, Université de Poitiers, British Academy, Society for American Archaeology, University of Bristol, Australian Academy of the Humanities, University of New Mexico…). Read more

Petroglyph National Monument in New Mexico

Albuquerque petroglyph

TRACCE no. 5 – by Petroglyph Monument Protection Coalition

Petroglyph National Monument in New Mexico imperiled by Road Plans
National Monument comprises more than 7,200 acres along Albuquerque’s scenic West Mesa Escarpment and was established by Congress in 1990. Read more