Archive for TRACCE Onl. RA Bull. WP issues

L’arte rupestre di Böyük Daş in Gobustan, Azerbaijan

Böyük Daş

Böyük Daş

The Böyük Daş mountain is one of the three promontories included in the Natural Historical Artistic Reserve of Gobustan. With its terraced profile and big boulders scattered around the different terraces, it preserves thousands of engravings with a very long chronology. Its rock art includes several figurative categories: zoomorph, anthropomorph, boat, symbol. Here is presented a brief guide to visit the Böyük Daş hill, in Gobustan Rock Art Reserve.

Il monte di Böyük Daş è uno dei tre promontori inclusi nella Riserva Naturale Storico-Artistica di Gobustan, Con il uso profilo terrazzato e una serie di grossi massi sparsi lungo le sue terrazze, conserva migliaia di figure incise di cronologia molto ampia e appartenenti a varie categorie figurative: zoomorfi, antropomorfi, imbarcazioni, simboli. Ecco una breve guida per visitare l’area di Böyük Daş, all’interno della Riserva di Arte Rupestre di Gobustan.

by Dario SIGARI [i]

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Los Bordes Aserrados de las Rocas de Chuquillanqui, Perú

figure-0-logo-1A menudo un sitio de arte rupestre tiene una característica muy específica que además es a menudo único en ese sitio. Este artículo presenta un elemento tan distintivo en el sitio rupestre de Chuquillanqui en la cuenca del Río Chicama en el norte de Perú.

Often a rock art site has a very specific feature that moreover is often unique to that site. This paper presents such a distinguishing element at the petroglyph site of Chuquillanqui in the Chicama drainage of northern Peru.

by Maarten van Hoek

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Kuntur Wasi, Peru: Architectural Art or Rock Art ?

fig-logo-2Often we find pecked or scratched images on walls of rocks that are part of ancient structures, ranging from simple circular huts to intricate temple complexes. In many cases the rocks that are used have been smoothened before (or after) they were incorporated. In most instances it is clear that those images have been added after the smoothening and after the incorporation of the stones into the structure. Some of them may definitely be regarded as true rock art and not as architectural art, but a few images are ambiguous in this respect. This short paper discusses one such controversial image on a menacing monolith at Kuntur Wasi in northern Peru.

By Maarten van Hoek

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The Frontal Insignia-Tumi

arg-def-defThe Desert Andes (the westernmost coastal strip of South America) is very rich in rock art sites. In rare cases specific images occur at selected sites, often separated by long streches of the desert. Two telling examples are the Avian Staff Bearer and the The Enigmatic Traveller (both published in TRACCE). This study examines another “travelling” icon: The Frontal Insignia-Tumi that is found from Tamentica in the south to – surprisingly – Toro Muerto in the north of the Study Area, a distance of no less than 630 km (as the crow flies).

By Maarten van Hoek

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Coppelle, per Giove! Visita virtuale al Ròch dij Gieugh

Roccia dei Giochi

Roccia dei Giochi,
modello 3D

La Roccia dei Giochi (ël Ròch dij Gieugh in piemontese, lou Ròc dyi Joe in franco-provenzale) della frazione Andriera di Usseglio (Valle di Viù – TO) è una roccia a coppelle a 1670 m di quota che ospita numerose impronte di piede e tre figure di guerrieri protostorici. Allo stato delle conoscenze, è l’UNICA ROCCIA a COPPELLE delle ALPI con ISCRIZIONE DEDICATORIA a GIOVE.
Molti elementi concorrono a comprovare la sua natura di masso monumentale e sito cerimoniale dell’età del Ferro; vi venivano probabilmente depositate offerte votive quali pozioni o bevande. Considerandone la pronuncia, il suo nome ne può nascondere uno più antico… forse la Roccia di Giove?
Approfondisci l’argomento e immergiti nella VISITA VIRTUALE panoramica a 360°…

by A. Arcà, A.E. Fossati, F. Rubat Borel

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Sobre Dibujos de Arte Rupestre (Andino)

logo-tracceThe essence of every rock art study must be the image. In most cases the image that we observe is not quite the same as manufactured and/or intended by prehistoric people. It is altered by weathering, erosion and all sorts of anthropic activities. Yet, the resulting image is the only source to use. The best thing to do is to photograph the image, but if one makes a drawing of the image, it should be as correct as possible. Yet, many rock art researchers produce and publish drawings that are not correct. Consequently, their interpretations will often be incorrect. This study discusses some examples of incorrect drawings and offers some recommendations.

by Maarten van Hoek

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Roccia dei Giochi, Roccia di Giove

Roccia dei Giochi, copertina

Copertina del volume


Un masso inciso tra preistoria ed età moderna a Usseglio
a cura di Daniela Berta, Andrea Arcà, Francesco Rubat Borel
ISBN 97888941900140

presentazione del volume
Sabato 1 ottobre 2016
sala degli Iris, Albergo Rocciamelone di Usseglio

by Museo Civico Usseglio

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TRACCE Online RA Bulletin 39 special issue – July 2016

TRACCE special issue

On the occasion of the Valcamonica summer fieldschool

21st July -11 August 2016 Paspardo (BS – I)

Edited by Dario SIGARI


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La paura del ritorno: sepolture “anomale”…

Sewerby, East Yorkshire

Ritrovamenti archeologici e fonti letterarie testimoniano alcuni casi di riapertura di tombe e la mutilazione del cadavere, atti dovuti probabilmente alla volontà di rendere definitivamente innocue persone considerate malvagie, nefaste e pericolose, delle quali si temeva il ritorno in vita e alle quali doveva essere imputato un evento inspiegabile, come morti dovute a epidemie.

by Francesca CECI & Francesca RONCORONI

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Facies locorum – paesaggi e arte rupestre

Valcamonica, la Concarena

Valcamonica, la Concarena

La densità e la varietà delle incisioni presenti sulle rocce, che per un lungo tratto della valle degradano verso l’alveo del fiume Oglio che dai ghiacciai dell’Adamello e dalle molte valli laterali convoglia le acque verso il lago d’Iseo, fanno della Valcamonica un caso esemplare per lo studio dei processi di creazione di un paesaggio. Proprio il carattere più evidente di gran parte del patrimonio figurativo rupestre, l’inamovibilità dai luoghi in cui esso è stato istoriato, solleva una questione che tocca in profondità la nozione di paesaggio.

by Giacomo CAMURI

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Rock art across Australia

Wandjina spirit

As rock art theory has largely been refracted through western conceptual and epistemological underpinnings, it is a valuable (and timely) exercise to redirect art theory through the lens of Indigenous Australians’ geographical and cultural settings. For reasons of brevity, this critical exploration is not to offer a comprehensive road map pertaining to all aspects of vastly complicated socio-artistic elements of Australian Indigenous society but to stimulate discussion.

by Marisa GIORGI

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Piovono capre: i capridi nell’arte rupestre dell’Iran


Iran, goat-like figure

Il testo qui proposto vuole essere una breve sintesi di quanto si è potuto osservare durante una serie di visite, tra aprile e maggio 2013, in tre siti con arte rupestre in Iran: Kalateh Abdol e Shotor Sang, entrambi prossimi alla città di Mashhad, nella regione del Khorasan, e la zona della piana di Teymareh nella provincia di Khomein, a metà strada tra Tehrān e Esfahan. I siti con arte rupestre in Iran offrono una visione d’insieme che appare di straordinaria importanza e ricchezza. Al loro interno i capridi costituiscono un soggetto di primaria importanza e di vasta diffusione.

by Dario SIGARI Read more

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 38 – May 2016


TRACCE38logo# 38 – May 2016

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 38

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

38: 1 2 3 4

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Icons That Travel

0 logoThe Atacama Desert and the Andes in South America are crisscrossed by myriads of paths and tracks. Often those tracks are easily seen in Google Earth as broad bands. Also rock art images narrate of such travels. They mainly depict camelids guided by people. In rare instances however a specific kind of traveller has been depicted on the rocks. I have labelled it ‘The Enigmatic Traveller‘. In this study I describe the distribution of this icon, compare it with similar images and try to explain the meaning of the enigmatic position of the arms of this figure.

By Maarten van Hoek

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El Arpa en el Arte Rupestre Andino

Arpista Andino

Instrumentos musicales rara vez se han representado en el arte rupestre. Por lo tanto el descubrimiento de tres (quizás cuatro) petroglifos de arpas – en dos casos tocando por arpistas – en una pared de roca en el desierto de Atacama de América del Sur, es excepcional. Ciertamente son petroglifos de la época posthispana. Musical instruments have only rarely been depicted in rock art. The discovery of three (perhaps four) petroglyphs of harps – two played by harpists – on a rock wall in the Atacama Desert of South America is therefore exceptional. They certainly are Post-Columbian petroglyphs.

By Maarten van Hoek

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Valcamonica, fieldwork 2016

roseduel150Tracing prehistory: from July 21 to August 11 2016 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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The Avian Staff Bearer



This paper investigates a well-known but rare icon from the rock art of the Atacama Desert. It concerns a group of anthropomorphic figures displaying a very specific bird-related element. For that reason Juan Chacama and Gustavo Espinosa speak of ‘hombres-falcónidas’, ‘raptor-men’, to describe this class of anthropomorphic figures. Remarkably, their interpretation seems to be generally ignored by several archaeologists and rock art investigators. This study presents a revaluation of the theory put forward by Juan Chacama and Gustavo Espinosa in 1997.

By Maarten van Hoek

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TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 37 – October 2015

TRACCE37headimage# 37 – Oct 2015

TRACCE Online Rock Art Bulletin 37

––––––––––––––––––> by Footsteps of Man
edited by Le Orme dell’Uomo (Valcamonica – I)

37: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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