Archive for TRACCE Onl. RA Bull. 14

Rock Carvings in the Borderlands

Solberg, Østfold

Bohuslän/Dalsland in Sweden and Østfold in Norway. An INTERREG IIA project. Final report.

by Jan Magnusson

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Save Dampier rock art

Dampier rock art

Another serious menace to a major rock art site. What can we do? We can start from the online petition Save Dampier rock art.

by Robert G. Bednarik

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EuroPreArt, the project


Prehistoric Art is among the most important components of the European Heritage. It stands as an example of the diversity of the cultural memories of the European territories, but it also witnesses a common trend, a radical unity, in the emergence of symbolic behaviour.

by Luiz Oosterbeek, EuroPreArt coordinator

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The EuroPreArt database system

Data entry form

The EuroPreArt database system has been developed by a team of European Institutions and Universities: any comment regarding its structure and organization is welcome.

by Andrea Arcà – Footsteps of Man, EuroPreArt webmaster

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