Archive for Alpine rock art – Arte rupestre alpina

Roccia dei giochi, il libro

Lunedì 27 marzo 2017 alle ore 18 presso il Centro Studi Piemontesi, in via Ottavio Revel 15 a Torino, per i Colloqui del Lunedì, Daniela Berta, Andrea Arcà e Francesco Rubat Borel dialogano intorno al libro Roccia dei Giochi, Roccia di Giove: un masso inciso tra preistoria ed età moderna a Usseglio, pubblicato dal Museo Civico Alpino “Arnaldo Tazzetti” di Usseglio

by TRACCE editor

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Coppelle, per Giove! Visita virtuale al Ròch dij Gieugh

Roccia dei Giochi

Roccia dei Giochi,
modello 3D

La Roccia dei Giochi (ël Ròch dij Gieugh in piemontese, lou Ròc dyi Joe in franco-provenzale) della frazione Andriera di Usseglio (Valle di Viù – TO) è una roccia a coppelle a 1670 m di quota che ospita numerose impronte di piede e tre figure di guerrieri protostorici. Allo stato delle conoscenze, è l’UNICA ROCCIA a COPPELLE delle ALPI con ISCRIZIONE DEDICATORIA a GIOVE.
Molti elementi concorrono a comprovare la sua natura di masso monumentale e sito cerimoniale dell’età del Ferro; vi venivano probabilmente depositate offerte votive quali pozioni o bevande. Considerandone la pronuncia, il suo nome ne può nascondere uno più antico… forse la Roccia di Giove?
Approfondisci l’argomento e immergiti nella VISITA VIRTUALE panoramica a 360°…

by A. Arcà, A.E. Fossati, F. Rubat Borel

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Roccia dei Giochi, Roccia di Giove

Roccia dei Giochi, copertina

Copertina del volume


Un masso inciso tra preistoria ed età moderna a Usseglio
a cura di Daniela Berta, Andrea Arcà, Francesco Rubat Borel
ISBN 97888941900140

presentazione del volume
Sabato 1 ottobre 2016
sala degli Iris, Albergo Rocciamelone di Usseglio

by Museo Civico Usseglio

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Try this! Cup-marks gigapano

Ròch dij Gieugh (the Rock of the Games) 2 gigapixels spherical panorama. Get a real visit experience and surf on this cup-marked stone! Go full screen (click on the 4 arrows button on the right), move the mouse, rotate the wheel…

More details in this TRACCE paper: Coppelle, per Giove! (Cup-marks, by Jove!) (Italian only)

Valcamonica, fieldwork and lectures summer 2016

3D scan

3D scan

Dear Valcamonica Fieldwork & Fieldschool Participants, Collaborators and Friends! The field project is formally scheduled from Thursday afternoon July 21st through Thursday morning  August 11th 2016 The fieldwork volunteers are coming from Azerbaijan, China, France, Italy, USA, Switzerland, UK, plus crew and lecturers (from Australia, Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, USA) permanent members.
Caro partecipante (collaboratore ed amico) della Campagna estiva di archeologia rupestre in Valcamonica! La campagna è formalmente prevista tra il giovedì pomeriggio del 21 luglio fino al giovedì mattina dell’11 agosto 2016.
I partecipanti al campo provengono da Azerbaijan, China, France, Italy, USA, Switzerland e UK, oltre ai membri dello staff e conferenzieri (da Australia, Germania, Francia, Italia, Portogallo, USA).
Welcome to Paspardo 2016 Project! Benvenuti al Progetto Paspardo 2016!

by Footsteps of Man

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Valcamonica, fieldwork 2016

roseduel150Tracing prehistory: from July 21 to August 11 2016 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Usseglio, Alpine cults, archaeology and rock art

Ròch dij Gieugh

Ròch dij Gieugh

[Usseglio: culti in ambiente alpino, archeologia e arte rupestre]. A new exhibition room dedicated to the cults of the Alps has recently enriched the Civic Alpine Museum Arnaldo Tazzetti of Usseglio. A part of the room is devoted to the monumental Ròch dij Gieugh, an engraved stone situated on the slopes of the Usseglio mountains. The interest in this rock is given by the great number of shoeprints connected to a complex network of cup-marks and grooves. New important discoveries emerged during the recent tracing: three figures of Iron Age warriors and a possible votive inscription to Juppiter, the first found in the Alps on a cup-marked rock [ENG-ITA].

by Andrea ARCÀ and Angelo Eugenio FOSSATI Read more

Seradina 12, Valcamonica, 83 years of research

Seradina R12 deer

Seradina R12 deer

Covering more than 200 square metres, Rock 12 is the largest engraved rock of the Seradina area; it is included in the Seradina-Bedolina Archaeological Municipal Park. Its beautiful and richly engraved surface has been known since the first discovery of the greatest part of the Valcamonica rock art (1932). In the 1980s the rock was traced and studied under the direction of Mila Simões de Abreu, during which time the tracing was completed. Seradina 12 hosts some very rare iconographic items; among them, we can notice six Iron Age horse-driven ploughing scenes. Two of them are accompanied by sexual scenes, the action meaningfully performed while the ground is being hoed.

by M.Simões de ABREU and A.E. FOSSATI

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Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Barocelli 1921)

Barocelli 1921

TRACCE free e-books

Barocelli P. 1921. Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Note di escursioni paletnologiche), Atti della Società Piemontese d’Archeologia e Belle Arti, vol. X, fasc. 1, 51 pp., X tavv.
| full text-image and PDF (TRACCE 2015 re-editing) | Italian

[editor’s note: this 1921 paper expresses the first complete archaeological and chronological framework of the Mt. Bego petroglyphic complex; the author, Piero Barocelli was the archaeologist charged with the area, which was at this time managed by the Italian Royal Archaeological Superintendence; Clarence Bicknell, during the last years of his life, passed to him the baton of the research]

by Piero Barocelli – 1921

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Footprints in the Alps – pediformi nelle Alpi



Footprints in the Alpine rock art: diffusion, chronology and interpretation. Abstract and slides of the communication presented on Tuesday 1 September 2015 at the IFRAO 2015 – XIX International Rock Art Conference (Cáceres, Spain). The communication provides a detailed description of the most important cases of alpine rocks bearing footprints, a chronological frame for the corresponding engraving phases, and a discussion about suggested interpretations.
Le impronte di piede nell’arte rupestre Alpina: diffusione, cronologia e interpretazione (abstract in Italiano)

by Andrea Arcà

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Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba – Tavole (Barocelli 1921)


Barocelli 1921, plates

TRACCE free e-books

Tavole I-X da:
Barocelli P. 1921. Val Meraviglie e Fontanalba (Note di escursioni paletnologiche), Atti della Società Piemontese d’ Archeologia e Belle Arti, vol. X, fasc. 1, 51 pp., X tavv.

| full text-image and PDF (TRACCE 2015 re-editing, public domain) | Italian

[editor’s note: the 1921 paper by Piero Barocelli is enriched by 10 plates – tracings, drawings and pictures – accompanined by very detailed captions]

by Piero Barocelli – 1921

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Mt. Bego, a rediscovered manuscript



The oldest written document regarding European rock art is stored in the Turin State Archive. It is entitled the Academia de Giardini di Belvedere (the Belvedere Gardens Academy).

The manuscript is a copy made around the mid seventeenth century by Pietro Gioffredo, historian of the Savoy House, on the basis of another manuscript, written by Honorato Lorenzo, dating back to the end of the previous century, around 1591, or a few years later.

by Andrea Arcà

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L’arte rupestre dell’età dei metalli

locandinaL’arte rupestre dell’età dei metalli nella penisola italiana: Localizzazione dei siti in rapporto al territorio, simbologie e possibilità interpretative.

Tavola rotonda Venerdì 5 Giugno 2015 ore 9.30 – 18.00, sala conferenze del Cantiere delle Navi Antiche, via Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli 23, Pisa

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Great Rock of Naquane, digital practices

Naquane vector

Naquane vector

[CAA 2015 – session 3C abstract]

Like archaeology in general, rock art studies need to record, study and share data: a large set of electronic instruments – for graphics and for the data analysis – are to be intended as a fundamental tool box for the careful and up-to-date rock art archaeologist…

by Andrea ARCÀ

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Valcamonica, Rock Art Fieldwork 2015

Tracing prehistory

Tracing prehistory

Tracing prehistory: from July 16 to August 6 2015 the annual archaeology field school at Paspardo will be open to archaeologists, scholars, students and enthusiasts. This area gives a great opportunity to learn, survey, photograph, draw and catalogue the rock engravings. The program involves field research, documentation, tracing, guided visits and lectures. Fieldwork is organised by Footsteps of Man, Valcamonica. Infos, poster and photo-galleries here available.

by Angelo Eugenio Fossati

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Chenal shelter, six thousand years of iconography

Chenal shelter

Chenal shelter

The oldest post-Palaeolithic engravings of the Alps, 5th millennium BC, reveal many contact points with the ancient megalithic art of Brittany. We publish here the complete paper related to the Montjovet-Chenal shelter, Aosta valley; Italian version, with short English abstract and all-sectors tracings. Full text-image searchable flip book (Flash plugin needed). The low-res PDF is also available.

by A. Arcà, D. Daudry, A. Fossati, F. Morello, L. Raiteri

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Valcamonica Symposium 2015

Valcamonica Symposium 2015

Valcamonica Symp. 2015

The new scientific committee of the CCSP presents the 2015 Valcamonica symposium, the  international meeting among rock-art scholars and researchers, which will be held on September 9-12 2015 at Capo di Ponte (Valcamonica, Italy). Attention is drawn over archaeological contexts, research updates, documentation techniques, dating methods, environmental context and rock art management. Deadline for abstracts: 15 March 2015; deadline for completed papers: 30 May 2015.

by CCSP scientific committee

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Saint Vincent, nuove incisioni rupestri preistoriche


Ibex – stambecco

New important prehistoric rock carvings have been found by Eusebio Imperial of the S.Va.PA.– Société Valdôtaine de Préhistoire et d’Archéologie. Among them ibexes and fringed figures. Here a preliminary report by A.E. Fossati. Relazione di A.E. Fossati sulle nuove importanti incisioni rupestri preistoriche con stambecchi e figure frangiate scoperte in Valle d’Aosta.

by A. E. Fossati

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