Archive for Europe

Palaeolithic rock engravings at Vermelhosa



SIMÕES DE ABREU M., ARCÀ A., FOSSATI F., JAFFE L., 1998. Palaeolithic rock engravings at Vermelhosa, Côa valley archaeological park, Portugal, in  UISPP – International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, Proceedings of the XIII Congress, Volume 3, Forlì
| full text-image PDF | English.

by Mila SIMÕES DE ABREU, Andrea ARCÀ, Angelo FOSSATI, Ludwig JAFFE

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Testimonianze megalitiche presso lo Sparossino

spaross150Gli Autori, in seguito a recenti sopralluoghi sul crinale montuoso che, da Nord a Sud, separa la Val Pora (ad Est) e la Val Maremola (ad Ovest), hanno potuto osservare la presenza di strutture litiche che potrebbero rivelarsi di grande interesse archeologico ed archeoastronomico.

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini, C. Pirondini, C. Villa

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Il Finalese: commerci e cultura megalitica nella preistoria

Ciappo Pianarella

Ciappo Pianarella

Gli Autori, in seguito alla disamina di studi internazionali ed alle recenti osservazioni personali sull’argomento in esame, analizzano l’importanza della zona di Finale Ligure (Provincia di Savona, Liguria Occidentale, Italia), quale crocevia di culture e commerci fra aree distanti del Mediterraneo, dell’Italia e dell’Europa Transalpina durante la Preistoria.

by A. Pirondini*, G.P. Bocca*, F. Pirondini*, C. Pirondini e C. Villa*

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Megalitismo in Val Ceresio

pir_ceresio150Gli Autori descrivono i reperti megalitici, il loro orientamento con le possibili correlazioni archeoastronomiche che potrebbero indicare una frequentazione pre e/o protostorica dei luoghi descritti. Segue un’analisi delle possibili prospettive di ricerca.

by A. Pirondini, G.P. Bocca, F. Pirondini* e C. Pirondini*

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Megalitismo e nuove ipotesi di ricerca

Viene descritto l’antico sito estrattivo, la sua ubicazione, l’orientamento, il rapporto con attigue strutture di interesse archeologico ed archeoastronomico che potrebbero essere correlate ad una frequentazione del luogo in età pre- e/o protostorica e le conseguenti nuove prospettive di studio.

by Alfredo Pirondini, Gian Paolo Bocca

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Archaeology in Finalese Area (Western Liguria)

Ciappu de Cunche

A large number of archaeological sites and artifacts dating back to prehistoric times in Finale Ligure area (Western Liguria), are due to the appearance of the first manifestations of human religiosity. The Author, in light of these finds, explores the primitive roots of the religious phenomenon.

by Alfredo Pirondini

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The strange case of snow-circles and cup-and-rings


A contemporary land-art performance curiously produces the same patterns engraved on prehistoric petroglyphs. Maybe a relationship with the landscape, real or symbolical, should be considered? Here the voices of Sonja Hinrichsen, the artist, and of Andrea Arcà, the archaeologist. The debate is open.

by Andrea Arcà and Sonja Hinrichsen

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The Dolmen at Monticello near Finale Ligure

Monticello dolmen

The Author describes the megalith known as Dolmen di Monticello: location, orientation, structure, geomorphology and other features found during the repeated personal observations. The Village of Monticello is located at 82 m. above sea level, along the western slopes of Gottaro. The first mention of this settlement dates back to 1268 when there was the division of inheritance between the sons of Giacomo Del Carretto, Marquis of Savona.

by Alfredo Pirondini

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Gavrinis, une approche multiscalaire

Gavrinis art

A multiscale approach: the workflow committed on the Gavrinis island cairn gathers archaeologists and archaeometrists, architects and surveyors, to acquire, handle and share information relative to a passage-tomb built at the beginning of the IVth millennium, one of the most famous of the European monumental heritage.

by S. Cassen, L. Lescop, V. Grimaud, G. Querré, B. Sune

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Statue stele del gruppo Valcamonica-Valtellina

Cemmo 3

TRACCE open access papers

Fossati Angelo Eugenio, 2007.
Morfologia, litotipi e funzioni delle statue stele del gruppo Valcamonica-Valtellina, Bulletin d’études préhistoriques et archéologiques alpines, XVIII, Aoste, pp. 77-84.
| abstract and full text-image inline PDF | Italian

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Montpedrós Rock Art

Puig Castellar

A set of engravings are located on a rock in the highest part of the chain of mountains named Serrat de la Torrassa o Torratxa, in the village of Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona, Catalonia. The paper describes this engravings and compare them with similar engravings in Catalonia. By their type we think they can be dated in the Calcholitic or Bronze periods.

by F. Anguas, A. Fàbrega, J.M. Huélamo, J.M. Solias

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Nuevas representaciones de arte paleolítico

abrigo de Minerva

En este artículo se presentan nuevas representaciones de arte rupestre paleolítico que han sido halladas recientemente en Extremadura. En dos de los casos se trata de figuras que se añaden a un repertorio iconográfico ya conocido. El tercero de los hallazgos es inédito..

by Hipólito Collado Giraldo

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Jornadas Transmontanas de Arqueologia

Mazouco horse

Archaeology Gathering, Freixo de Espada à Cinta, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal, 2 – 4 April 2004. Presentation and programme.

by Mila Simões de Abreu

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New Megalithic Portal features

Web page

The Megalithic Portal is the original and arguably the best live guide to prehistoric sites in the UK, Ireland and beyond, established in 1996, and as a live web database in 2000.

by Andy Paul Peter Tim and Ruth

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MEGART – The Megalithic Art of…


The Gavrinis cairn (Brittany, F) with its engraved slabs is one of the most impressive monuments of the European Megalithic art (Neolithic).
Photo gallery.

by Andrea Arcà

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Manzanez mill rock art: a destroyed sanctuary

Manzanez submerged

The area, extremely rich in Palaeolithic-to-contemporary rock art, is now submerged, like the bordering Portuguese ones, by the huge artificial lake of the Guadiana dam. Photo gallery.

by Hipolito Collado Giraldo

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Dams and Rock Art: a match made in hell

Pracana dam

The impact of dams on the rock art of Portugal was, in the last fifty years, devastating. Six major areas were affected.

by Mila Simões de Abreu

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November 8 1994: Côa Valley, a date to remember

José Silvério de Andrade

The rock art community first heard of the existence of a major rock-art site in the Côa river valley on 8 November 1994. In the Anuário da Região Duriense of 1939, José Silvério Andrade refers to several engravings. Andrade’s note never reached the attention of the right scholars. He is the first and real discoverer of the Côa area engravings.

by Mila Simões de Abreu and Alexandre Parafita

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