Archive for Europe

Solidarity for Archaeologist Appeal

M. Simoes de Abreu

TRACCE no. 12 – by Ludwig Jaffe

An archaeologist who campaigned to stop a dam from destroying prehistoric rock-art in Portugal’s Côa Valley is appealing against a harsh five-month jail sentence for criminal libel and defamation.

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Archaeology of the Côa Valley

R.G. Bednarik

TRACCE no. 12 – by Robert G. Bednarik

The Côa valley in northern Portugal has been a focus of world archaeology for the past few years, first because of the two bungled archaeological surveys and the subsequent threat of inundation, then because of the reported age estimates of its rock art, and later because of accusations of state-funded archaeological vandalism (1).

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Nuevas pinturas rupestres en Extremadura


TRACCE no. 12 – by H. Collado Giraldo, J.J. García, Colectivo Barbaón

Nuevas pinturas rupestres en Extremadura (España).
Con el título “Un espacio natural con historia: prospección, documentación y puesta en valor del patrimonio histórico y artístico del Parque Natural de Monfragüe (Cáceres)”, se enmarca un proyecto de investigación que es llevado a cabo desde 1997 por el denominado “Colectivo Barbaón”

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Recording British Rock Art

Weetwood Moor

TRACCE no. 11 – by Elizabeth Donnan

Despite the recent upsurge of interest in rock art studies relatively little research has been conducted into the reasons behind the techniques used to record discoveries in the field. At present the techniques in use have been defined and influenced by current issues of interest which focus on interpretation and meaning with little regard to recording methodology…

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The Swastika Stone

Swastika Stone

TRACCE no. 10 – by Gyrus

The Swastika Stone near Ilkley in West Yorkshire (England).
I would like to present some findings and ideas in relation to the so-called Swastika Stone, located on the moors near Ilkley in West Yorkshire, England.
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The Man of Bicorp

Spain pictograph

TRACCE no. 10 – by Giacomo Omallini

The Man of Bicorp in danger (Cueva de la Arana, Spain).
This rock painting discovered in 1921, in the cave of the Spider(Cueva de la Arana), in the province of Valencia, in Spain, dating back to the end of Palaeolithic, is the most beatiful ‘apiarian’ painting discovered till now.
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Côa Valley three years after

Palaeolithic horses

TRACCE no. 9 – by Mila Simões de Abreu

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Giocare sulla pietra nell’occidente d’Italia: 213 tavolieri incisi da Domodossola a Lucca
In November 1994 many worldwide RA researchers were surprised by the announcement of the “discovery” of the engraved rocks in Canada do Inferno, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Portugal.

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Nuove figure schematiche antropomorfe

Grotta del Papa

TRACCE no. 9 – by Bert D’Arragon

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Nuove figure schematiche antropomorfe dalla Sardegna prenuragica: le pitture rupestri della Grotta del Papa, isola di Tavolara (SS – I)

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Rio Sabor Rock Art discovery

June 1997

TRACCE no. 9 – by Ludwig Jaffe, Mila Simões de Abreu

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
Rio Sabor Rock Art discovery (Trás-os-Montes Portugal).
The Côa Dam will be substituted by “Laranjera dam”, Sabor river. Also there Palaeolithic style figures have been found, though their importance has been questioned.

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A Copper Age ceremonial site in Val Camonica

Ossimo 4

TRACCE no. 9 – by F. G. Fedele

2nd International Congress of Rupestrian Archaeology
2-5 October 1997 DARFO BOARIO TERME
A Copper Age ceremonial site in Val Camonica: excavations at Ossimo OS4, 1996-97.
An account is given of the results from the latest excavations (1996-97) at the statue-menhir Copper Age site of Ossimo-L’Anvòia (OS4) on the Ossimo-Borno Plateau, in lower Val Camonica.

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Digital image processing

La Saltadora rockshelter

TRACCE no. 8 – by J.M.V. García, I. Montero Ruiz, A. R. Alcalde

Digital image processing and prehistoric art.
the digitalizing of the Rock Art Archives of the Departamento de Prehistoria (Centro de Estudios Históricos, C.S.I.C.).
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III Coloquio Internacional de Arte Megalítico

Collado de Sejos

TRACCE no. 7 – by J.M. Bello

La organización del III Coloquio, que se desarrollará en La Coruña (Galicia, España) entre el 8 y el 13 de septiembre de 1997, corre a cargo de J.M. Bello, R. de Balbín y P. Bueno, con la colaboración de B. Bas, M. Rey y M. San Claudio, bajo el patrocinio del Ayuntamiento de La Coruña a través del Museo Arqueológico e Histórico de dicha ciudad. Read more

Vale de Vermelhosa: scale drawings

Vermelhosa scale drawing

TRACCE no. 6 – by Jane Kolber

Scale drawings of the Vale de Vermelhosa Engravings.
The Etched in Time Project invited me to be a participant in recording the engravings in the Vale de Vermelhosa (Côa Valley Area, Portugal). Read more

Côwa Valley joke…

A joke…

TRACCE no. 5 – by Côwa Valley Rock Art

A joke about some “fresh” figures of palaeolithic Côwa Valley rock artRead more

Do it nice or give you the truth?

Kolber’s sketch

TRACCE no. 5 – by Belinha Campos

Observations on the use of two different rock art tracing methods at Vale de Vermelhosa (Côa area), during the project “Gravado no tempo – Portugal” (Etched in time – Portugal), lead by Mila Simões de Abreu and Ludwig Jaffe. Read more

The geology of the Douro and Côa Valley

Ribeira dos Piscos

TRACCE no. 5 – by José António Bravo Nunez

The geology of the Douro and Côa Valley: general aspects of the rock art areas.
RRegarding the morphostructural units in the Iberian Peninsula, the region of Vila Nova de Foz Côa is part of the Iberian Massif, a fragment of the hercynian block that includes 75% of the peninsular soils, with an altitude of about 600 m above sea level.. Read more

Vermelhosa rock 1, palaeolithic figures

Elephant figure

TRACCE no. 5 – by Andrea Arcà

Palaeolithic figures in rock n. 1 of the Vermelhosa – Côa Valley area.
Rock n. 1 of the Vermelhosa Valley (Côa Valley area) lies at 180 m altitude, on the left orographic side of the Douro River, which is flowing few scores of meters below.. Read more

Vermelhosa Iron Age rock art

Duelling Iron Age scene

TRACCE no. 5 – by Angelo Fossati

The Iron Age in the Rock Art of Vermelhosa, Portugal.
Besides the figures attributable to the Palaeolithic times there are also petroglyphs that can be dated to the Iron Age (1st Millennium BC). These figures are engraved scratching the rock surface, sometimes with a stone, other times with a metal tool, as it is possible to note from the outlining. Read more